Sunday, September 11, 2005

You Decide!

NDN is dozing on my couch. He's stoned beyond belief. To tell you the truth, I'm a little stoned myself. I'm still within belief, but that's a mere coincidence.

NDN and I are remarkably lucky to have found each other. Here's the deal-- We both totally think this is normal and wouldn't give it a second thought (if it weren't for the fact that we freaked out a couple of NDN's friends tonight and drove them from the premises. This is the second time in a week, if you recall Rehtaeh and the Composer.) It's 1:18 am and we just finished gulfing down a feast of goodies that NDN purchased in Brighton Beach for the express purpose of a Russian feast. He wasn't sure when such a feast might occur, but it just so happens that we dined together this evening.

The time? At approximately midnight. What was the music of choice? Elvis Presley's Aloha From Hawaii. The atmosphere of choice? Being stoned off your ass. The drink of choice? Georgian Red Wine. (Please note, NDN thought the wine tasted like blood. I assured him, from experience, that he was not quite right). What was the activity of choice? Scarf down Russian food.

Coincidence that we are neighbors? Or is it fate?

You decide.


sunshine said...


Might I also note, it's 2:42 am, and I'm up, it's a pity I don't live in NYC...I'd be up w/ you now, or perhaps dozing on the couch too....well that would be weird w/ NDN sleeping on it would think I was stoned...which I'm not.

Whew that was long for this time in the am....if NDN wasn't sleeping on the couch, I might have called you...but instead, I'm rambling on in your comments section.

Sorry : )

Charby said...

It's fate!

He's a quality fun sounding guy! Full of adventures! Everyone needs a mate like that!

feitclub said...

I don't want to take away anything from NDN, who I know is cool, but I don't think you'd have to look very hard around New York to find someone ready to get drunk or stoned on a Saturday night. Or are there more coincidences at work here than I realize?

Flash said...

sounds like fate to me!

Hyde said...

Um, Dan... That's not what I meant. It's not hard to find someone to get fucked up with. I meant that it's funny that we both thought it was normal to be eating Russian food at midnight while listening to Elvis. NDN is odd in a lot of the ways that I'm odd. It's hard to explain...

feitclub said...

OK, my mistake. Still, these are not super-unusual pastimes. If you told me you found a friend who loved eating haggis while listening to John Tesh, that's an odd combination!

Chapstick said...

Eew, haggis...

And I agree, I don't think that it's all that unusual to find somebody who would appreciate a unique combination of activities like that. The hardest part is finding somebody with a good enough taste in music. =)