Thursday, December 30, 2004

A Very Medicinal Evening

Liu's here and I'm very happy b/c I haven't seen her in a whole year! Last night when she got here we went out and ate a lot of sushi. We had many badly needed theraputic talks while taking our "medicine." Just like old times!!! After we were thoroughly messed up we sang some karaoke at my place which reinvigorated us(along with the whisky) enough to be able to venture 50 feet from my apartment to Cheers. Once there, we were kind of anti-social for a while b/c I was still feeling weird from last week. A few drinks got me over that quickly though, and then FightingMensch and PumpedUp arrived with an entourage including his brother, Kevin and a nameless friend. After lots more drinks we left with them to FightingMensch's apartment. The apartment was very long and decorated in a contemporary style. His bed was on some strange loft. FightingMensch was totally beaten up with a black eye, bloody eyeball and stitches. He claims to have fallen while making his bed. The boys were watching "Casino" and PumpedUp made us some drink with Stoly-Vanilla and an orange-gatorade substance. While Liu and I were talking closely, the boys asked us if we were making out. Liu walked in on Kevin while he was on the toilet and got really embarassed. He didn't seem to mind though. As FightingMensch explained, "He just got back from Iraq." Shortly enough PumpedUp left with the only other girl and the rest of us headed down to "Off the Wagon" which was really weird for me b/c it was the site of my first hook up with Adam in the fall of 1998. In the cab FightingMensch was saying funny things and was self-conscious about his interior decorating scheme. Anyway, once there we were faced with a horde of creepy young horny boys. It was okay enough as long as they were buying us drinks. FightingMensch found some girls and were glad to see it. Later though, I asked him to get some weird guy w/a hat off our back and his brother came to our rescue looking for a fight with the guy. We were told his brother had just gotten 13 stitches removed that day...ripping them out himself. Anyway, Liu had a sound enough mind to tell Kevin to back down and to tell me that it was time to go. Of course I wanted to call Narc, and did so, but hope it wasn't too embarassing... Oh well, I'll have to just console myself with Hammer's naturlich principle. Liu is so not so enamored with that idea, but whatever... Anyway, that's all I remember so the story stops here. This morning we went to pad our stomachs at "Comfort Diner" and I was annoyed at the wait staff b/c they were rushing us out of our table. I need water now so I will go...

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Scrap It!

Yay! School's out for the semester. I just turned in the grades for both of my classes. I am so relieved to have all of that off my hands. I don't ever want to do ANYTHING in such a haphazard way again. As I turned them in, all I could think of were incidents-past flashing before me: drunken lesson-planning, sleepless nights ending in 5:00 am phone-calls from a drunk Narc, drunk-teaching Ancient Greece at 8:00 in the morning, etc. (Is there a theme here? Hmmm....)

Anyway, the whole experience is soured with guilt and I'm just glad for it to be finished and to have a fresh start around the corner. Liu is coming in from Texas today for a visit. She just called and said she's in a cab on her way from LaGuardia, so I've got to go speed-clean before she gets here.

But in conclusion, there's only one thing to do with so much of what went on the past few months:

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Ice-Pops and Whisky

Still with a splitting headache. Last night I was Hyde again. At least I'm blessed with memory loss. Went to see Phantom with Hammer, the Wizard, B and Bezukhoff. Still in love with the Phantom although a little more embarassed about it... Jack Danieled my way through the rest of the night...fudged "O Mio Babbino Caro" at the piano bar and ended up putting on a strip show before passing out. At least I found my necklace... I still feel drunk (although it's almost 2:30 in the afternoon.) Torn between getting something to eat (so I'll feel better) and staying here to watch the rest of my soap. I've fallen desperately behind with the soaps! I think I need to watch more TV. Living is much more destructive than watching...

Anyway, I texted Narc at 3:48 am: "R U up?" And although he didn't write back, my phone showed a missed call from him at 4:55 am.

I have to finish all my grading today. I think I'll go eat an ice-pop...

Saturday, December 25, 2004


Just got back from Christmas on Long Island. Ate too much, got lots of presents. Didn't do enough work, yada yada yada...

B says that I'm "hapless."
Synonyms for "hapless" at
cursed, hoodooed, ill-fated, ill-starred, infelicitous, jinxed, Jonah, loser, luckless, miserable, poor fish, sad sack, schlemiel, snakebit, star-crossed, unhappy, unlucky, untoward, woeful, wretched

I don't know if I'd go that far... But, basically, I couldn't resist and texted Narc "Merry Christmas." (1:05 am on Christmas Eve).

His response: "Merry Christmas! Hope you're doing well. Am a Christmas orphan this year, once again. Having a pint on my own at the Tavern. Alas!" (1:10 am)

Me: "Well, I'm @ my parent's right now, about to go to bed, but thought you might be on ur own & wanted to let you know I was thinking of u. Enjoy a pint for me!" (1:14 am)

Him: "Of course babe. Have a good holiday." (1:16 am)

Me: "you too... Will be out of town 1st week of jan. but keep in touch. Good night!" (1:18am)

Him: "K, sweet dreams." (1:19 am).

Make of it what you will. Hapless? I'm not sure... Obsessive? Definitely.

Thursday, December 23, 2004

"Pre-Christmas" (take VI)

Let me start off by saying that my cat is being MANIC right now. He is making such a scene, crashing into the blinds, racing across the room and tearing at the couch. I guess that the late-night scene around here has rubbed off on him and that now, like me, he's a creature of the night.

As for me, it was a "Dr. Jekyll" kind of day. After a rousing German class with Hammer this morning, B and I set off for our sixth annual Pre-Christmas celebration...

It started with a caroling concert at St. Bart's. Then we headed to the West Side for Vietnamese food, followed by B's therapy (I waited in the lobby). While there, Hammer and I texted (as we are prone to do) and after a while I fell asleep. (Still not recovered from the only 1 hour I got the night before). Later, we did some Christmas shopping, got coffee and ended the evening at the movies.

IrishBird called me while we were shopping and asked if I would bring her "Dixie Chicks" CD by the bar. I didn't really want to after what happened there on Tuesday night, but she seemed to really want me to come in so that we could smooth things over. She said that PumpedUp asked about me last night. I guess it's not a good sign--take one night off and the owner is wondering where you are! Oh well, it's not for me to judge...only to do what comes naturlich! Anyway, we stopped home first and I put on my pajama bottoms and flip-flops to be sure I wouldn't stay out at all. When I got there I felt really strange about it. Didn't see PumpedUp, but IrishBird gave me a Christmas present--a beautiful pair of earrings. She really wanted me to stay and have a drink or at least water. I think she's worried that I'm upset at her for coming down so hard on me the other day. I wasn't in the mood though. I just didn't feel comfortable and didn't have the energy for the whole scene. FightingMensch seemed a little drunk already and introduced me to his sister. I saw the two Nigerians at the end of the bar. I don't know... I think I overreacted like that on Tuesday because of what happened with "the ice-man" (as Bezuhoff has not-so-affectionatly labled him). I still feel sick about all of that...every time it surfaces in my mind, even for a moment, I feel nauseated and like my knees are going to give out so I have to try not to think about it.

I hate that it rained today. My hair isn't making me feel pretty anymore. It's curling up around my face and now it all seems to go together.

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve.
I just can't wait for the New Year already...

On that note, I'll leave you with this verse from "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear"

"Yet with the woes of sin and strife
the world has suffered long;
beneath the heavenly hymn have rolled
two thousand years of wrong;
and warring humankind hears not
the tidings which they bring;
O hush the noise and cease your strife
and hear the angels sing!"

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

La la la! Posted by Hello

On one hour of sleep...

On one hour of sleep concentration evades me. I'm still wearing my earrings and shoes from last night. When I look in the mirror right now I look haggard--like my "September Song" painting. Maybe it's not healthy to stare in the mirror for so long. It makes me sad...anxious about what happened last night.

On one hour of sleep I'm too tired to tell the story again.

Then I remember B's advice about showers--the rememdy to all things with no short term remedy. OLTL is on Soapnet. I don't have the strength to follow...I've missed too many episodes lately and it requires some mental agility to catch up. Pathetic, considering I should be writing some lofty paper, or at least grading some exams...

Maybe later. Now for the shower...