Monday, September 19, 2005

and Found!

Maybe it was SpinsterWitch's wise advice, but the ring has been located! I traced my steps over and over in my head until I remembered taking the ring off while I was dressing so my stockings wouldn't snag. I called my mom and directed her to look near the magazine rack in her bathroom, and indeed--the ring was there!

In other news, VJ just forwarded me another entertaining e-mail from E-the-R.
He writes:

Hello VJ-

I just emailed Hyde and asked her if she had access to certain drugs. I remember she told you a lot of lies regarding that I was a coke addict. I want to reassure you that they were lies (I know she will email you telling you what a coke junkie I am), but I need the drugs for certain "business" ventures. Let me put it this way: My clients are very interesting.

Again, hope you are well.

Love ya.


That guy is fucking crazy. I never told VJ that he was a coke addict! Never, never, never! He is just so used to painting me as a "liar" because that was how he dealt with that fucked up VJ-Liu triangle that he set up all those years ago-- by blaming me for making the whole thing up. I guess he sent this e-mail to VJ as "insurance" in case I told her about the drug-request message he sent me. Whatever... It's not worth any more mental space on my part. As far as I'm concerned, I'm not going to do him any favors. He burned that bridge long ago.

Why are there so many crazy people in this city? Why haven't I met anyone who's not fucked up in one way or another? I mean, E-the-R and Narc are both sort of extreme examples, and I'm not exempting myself from this indictment, but it's frustrating...

That said, I'm off to therapy now. My therapist is finally back from her summer in Switzerland so this is our first "in person" meeting since before my personal crisis back in June. Weird...

Then I'm off to do more reading for class.




sunshine said...

Glad you found the ring.

Yes, indeed, they know how to find you.

: )

HistoryGeek said...

That man is crazy...

"Hello, I'm telling everyone you're a liar. Care to score some drugs for me?"


Glad you found your ring.

feitclub said...

Why haven't I met anyone who's not fucked up in one way or another?

Ever since I read this post I have been trying to figure out exactly how "fucked up" I am. Ultimately, I've decided to take it as a compliment. Although, I must say that I have met some exceedingly "normal" people in New York so I would not agree with your statement as a rule.

Hyde said...

Dan, I wasn't thinking of you in particular, just issuing a general complaint. Glad you didn't take offense... But I have to say, I've found as a general rule, for it to be true. Maybe it's just me and the types I seem to end up around...
