Tuesday, September 20, 2005

NDN Has No Shame!

(First of all, I'm sure you're loving it, NDN, that I named a post after you. That's right, you little attention whore! Revel in the glory!)

That said, the man has no shame. He sent the following email to my mother this morning and copied it to me...


I saw this joke, and thought, "wow, this is SO Hyde'sMom."

A guy says, "I remember the first time I used alcohol as a substitute for women."

"Yeah what happened?" asked his friend.

The first guy replies, "Well, er, I got my penis stuck in the neck of the bottle."

Is nothing sacred anymore? NDN--I ask you that.



Anonymous said...

My very own post! Dedicated to me! My mom always used to tell me the difference between "good attention" and "bad attention." 20 years later I guess I still don't know or care about the difference. I REVEL IN IT!

HistoryGeek said...

Ha! My mother would love that joke!

Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention that your mother, Mrs. Hyde, has a very corny sense of humour. Yes, humour. I spelled it the British way. Anyway, I am at work now and I am going to take my focalin now b/c my morning dose is wearing off. It helps me concentrate. There, just took it. I don't need water usually to swallow pills, I build up enough saliva, of course water is preferable. You forgot to mention to the readers that I got a tattoo, albeit temporary, while at the South Street Seaport on Saturday. It's on my right shoulder and says "LOVE." Love is good. I wish I had more love in my life. Oh, as it turns out the cute Jewish Colombian girl from the Judios Latinos Shabbat Dinner on Friday night has a boyfriend it turns out, which is really annoying. Anyway, onwards and upwards in regards to that. I'm looking forward to my bday party this Saturday night, it should be a lot of fun. On Friday night, as I mentioned, I am going to go to a Bway show, Latinologues, which should be good. Unfortunately I can't find anyone to go with so I think I will go alone. I've become comfortable enough that I don't need to be surrounded by people all the time. Who knows i might enjoy it more. Any I should get back to work now; I need to call up Patrick from Polk Insight in regards to the monthly reports.

Hyde said...

NDN--your comment was of hyde-esque proportions!

Why don't you try Dan's tactic and take a Craig's List date to the show with you? I'm leaving my office now and heading back to the East Side so I'll catch you later...


Anonymous said...

I forgot to mention that I am having someone come in to clean my apt today. I am really excited because it hasn't been professionally cleaned in a while. I did a big overhaul several weeks ago before my 2nd date with Rachel but I have let it go down hill since then. I am really looking forward to seeing the results when I come home. The super is supposed to come at 5 today to help me install the blinds, however, we'll see if that really ends up happening. Hyde, if Marina, the cleaning lady is good, I would suggest that you use her, as you have voiced concerns about your cleaning lady in the past. Well, not concerns so much, as complaints. On a funny note I told my mother on Sunday about our plans to get the tee shirts, do make up on me, and have me wear the wig and us go out as twins. She said, "NDN, stop, I think I am going to be nauseous." I guess she is not as open-minded as others. We'll have to take plenty of pictures of it. I can see how this is so distracting. I should stop and get back to work.

Anonymous said...

No offense to Dan's tactics, which i think could be very interesting, but i think i wouldn't enjoy that.

Anonymous said...

Birds of a feather flock together.

Anonymous said...

I'm really kind of upset with my ex-girlfriend Holly. I mean, it's not like we're really "friends" or anything anymore, so we talk on and off, but it seems as though she only calls me when she needs something. That's not cool. Anyway. I am waiting for my Polk July numbers to load. I am going to my HIAS meeting tonight and then back home. I've met some pretty fun people through that group. My back has been bothering me for the last couple of weeks and so I haven't been going to the gym lately which I wish i could. It makes me feel slothful. Hyde, I think we should get our palms read one of these nights. It's been put off too long. Speaking of palms being read and so on, it's really kind of creepy that the horoscope section in the back of Time Out New York has been rather dead-on for me lately. weird.

HistoryGeek said...

Wow...either NDN needs his own blog, or you need to let him have a blog entry every once in awhile. He seems to need the outlet.

Flash said...

My thoughts exactly, Spins!

Go on NDN, you know you want to!

Anonymous said...

I agree Spinsterwitch. I think she should let me have something like this once a month.

Hyde said...

I think NDN should respect my space and if he wants to blog to get his own blog. In the words of NDN's ever so astute mother, "NDN--that doesn't make friends." Watch your step, NDN. That's all I have to say.

See you back at the apartment...


feitclub said...

Hey, don't knock Craigslist until you try it. You too could spend an evening in Harlem getting high...