Tuesday, September 13, 2005


So, I'm sure you all remember the last time I saw Narc--the very awful last time. (I never gave you guys the gory details, but it was the night of August 25th-26th). Well, I mentioned to you that I met an ArmyGuy at the Tavern that night who was on leave from Iraq. Nevermind that he is 21 and gay and that I told him I was "with Narc" and that I introduced Narc to him within 5 minutes of meeting him, and that all three of us talked for a while, but it made Narc mad that I was friendly and exchanged contact information with the guy. It's what prompted Narc to start calling me a "whore" when we got home, and things only got worse, worse, worse from there.

Well, guess what? I woke up this morning to an email from that guy!


Normally, I would think it was nice and write back. But it just brought back a flood of awful feelings from that night and I'm not sure what I want to do. I feel a little sick. Do you think I should write?

Anyway, I have to go shower and get dressed. Then I have to drink a red bull and get to the subway. No taxis for me this week! As it turns out, my little corner of the world is the headquarters for solving global poverty for the next two weeks.

I wish them luck!


PS: Here's the e-mail I got:
(The grammar is driving me a little crazy, but I chose not to edit his message).

Hey whats up remember me from the Tribeca Tavern??? The army dude from Phoenix ? ........well i finally got your email from my moms cell (the phone i was using) and i wanted to email you and let you know that i am back in bahgdad.... EW I KNOW!!! but yeah im back here now i arrived on the 6th of sept. I left phoenix on the 3rd.......takes forever 2 get here!!! So anywayz what have you been up to?? i had a lot of fun talking with you at the bar! your my NYC friend i hope you know! well i know this messege is short but i gotta get back to work.....i'll talk to you later ok?

WRITE BACK!!! adios!!!!


(PPS: What's up with my blog looking squished to the side? Anyone know what's going on with that or how to fix it? It doesn't seem to happen when you click on any of the archives. Only on the September posts. It's annoying the hell out of me this morning!)


Anonymous said...

write back to him. He needs a friend.

HistoryGeek said...

That was my thought...gay in the military and sent to Baghdad...ACK!

Charby said...

He's gay so you know he's not gonna try anything on, he'll need a buddy over there.
Try to put the horrible connections of that night out of your head and become email pals.

sunshine said...

Yea, what they said.

Write him.

Flash said...

I concur with the others, it cant do any harm, eh?

Hyde said...

Okay, you guys win. I wrote him back. Although, I really had no fucking clue what to say. We'll see if I ever hear from him again.

Enough blog-reading for me for one day! I'm finished with my morning teaching and I'm off to read some articles before class now...


Anonymous said...

EW I KNOW! (that was the weirdest part)

swisslet said...

it's a bit of a shitty pointless comment to leave, but I hope it's a practical one.... the reason your blog is all lopsided at the minute is that great big URL you put in a post a week or so ago - it's broken the margin. You need to either go and delete it, or go to tinyurl.com to make it smaller (or use blogger to hide the URL link and replace it with a bit of text, as you normally would, but you were cut and pasting away....


(look, I really liked your 9/11 post, but I didn't really have anything to add, and now I feel shitty about leaving such a functional comment. My g'f is applying for a job in NY, so there's a possibility I may have to think about moving over there some time. I have only been once, and I was working, and it was after 9/11, but I was struck by how PRESENT the towers were... in all the postcards, on all the signs in places like Empire State, and I think in everyone's hearts. I chose not to go to Ground Zero and gawk, but I was quite moved and really want to go back. Is that better?)


Hyde said...

ST-- I tried doing what you said, but it didn't work. Any other suggestions? Thanks so much for the advice!

As for NY, you'll have to let me know if you're ever in town! Thanks for the feeback.



Hyde said...

Nevermind--thanks ST! I fixed it! It was the 9/11 post. I had a long text link there and I shortened it. Brilliant!