Monday, September 19, 2005

A New Name

As some of you may know, Mr. Mystic has offered to rename some fellow bloggers based on the personalities shown on their sites. I asked him to come up with a name for me (nervous about the results) and here's what he said.

What do you think?

"Ok Hyde here goes. Anbery this is a mixture of Angelica and Beryl. Intuitive, amiable, seductive. Given to day-dreaming and mystic imaginings. Can be deeply passionate, Sometimes hasty in her words and love affairs often unfortunate..."


An Addendum:

So Flash has named me too! He writes:

Oh my, her ring has been lost & then found again (hurrah) & she's pondering " Why are there so many crazy people in this city? Why haven't I met anyone who's not fucked up in one way or another?". She does go on to say..."and I'm not exempting myself from this indictment".See, WritesSoMuchItHurtsMyBrainButIWouldn'tHaveItAnyOtherWay lives in New York City.

Yay! I'm glad he doesn't mind my prolific nature. I can't help it. So It's good he wouldn't have it any other way!



Flash said...

I think you'll find you have another new name today...

HistoryGeek said...

Mystic's seems pretty right on (from what I know of you on the blog)...and Flash's is so Flash that you just gotta love it. Although, I think that writing that out on a regular basis would be very difficult for him, so it's good your still Hyde, too.