Thursday, September 22, 2005

My Very Bizarre Dream...

And now for last night's very strange mish-moshed dream...
Anyone care to analyze?

I was at some kind of Planetarium/Space Center and I saw Narc there. We were both there as part of some sort of American-Idol-like karaoke competition. In my dream, we hadn't spoken in months and kind of pretended not to see each other, but I felt a lot of sadness and pain about it and he obviously looked tense and awkward too. (But he didn't look sad. It was just Narc-style coldness. Hard to explain if you've never met him.)

There were hundreds of people there divided into two main groups and then into smaller sub-groups for the competition. Narc and I ended up in the same group, but still pretended not to know each other. He went first for the karaoke thing, and he was really good. (He sang some old swing song or something. Not sure what it was). The way it was set up was that you didn't get to choose your song and they didn't give you the words. They just played the music and you had to know it and you only got a few minutes to go up to the mic to sing. The girl ahead of me didn't know the song she got and she started crying and freaking out, so I ran up to save her and told her she could have my place in line and I'd take that song. The problem was that it was in a really bad key for me and my voice kept cracking. I was really stressed out about it in the dream. It was a song that required belting out notes that are clearly only in my "head-range." Anyway, I was totally humiliated and was sure that Narc would think I was an untalented loser.

Later, our whole half of the contestants were waiting in an auditorium for some sort of verdict on something. We had assigned seats, and incidentally, I was seated next to Narc. We still weren't talking though.

Things get even stranger here. For some reason, I started singing "O Holy Night," (or the Cantique de Noel) in French. I was just singing it beautifully and my voice was soaring and it was so easy. All of the hundreds of people around me started forming a choral harmony underneath it. Don't ask me how my solo melody was heard over these hundreds, but it was. And the sopranos were all adding a descant at certain parts. It was a magical beautiful fulfilling musical experience in my dream. And Narc had a softer expression on his face and smiled at me. It was almost as if we had "made up" after everything. We still didn't talk though.

Some time in all of this, I bumped into JFig in a hallway at the Space Center. She was really angry at me, but I apologized (I don't know what for) and she accepted.

Then the next thing I remember, I was at an office. I worked at some cubicle but I had my own closed door to the office. My boss, or someone came by and told me to "leave the door open" and that I should value "transparency." (I remembered that book Apartment Stories by Sharon Marcus about 19th century housing in Paris and London that said that the French valued "transparency.") Anyway, the boss told me that the police were coming in to comb my computer for pornography. It made me nervous and I asked why they had to come. My boss told me that JFig used to have my office and use my computer and that she had stolen thousands of dollars from the company spending it on pornography. I was worried because in my dream, I had recently visited an internet-porn site recommended to me by NDN.

I protested that JFig hadn't worked there for at least two and a half years, so they agreed to go look at her current workplace instead. I called her on the phone to warn her. The secretary that answered was at first hostile, but then became friendly and said "Oh! I see she has unblocked your number as of this morning."

Then I don't remember much.

At some point after that, I was in a high school--the one that my cousins attended in a town neighboring mine. I bumped into two of my cousins there. They had just been talking about me and I snuck up and surprised them and they laughed. They were both happy to see me and the older boy reminded me that I had "partied hard" at the recent Bar Miztvah. He asked about NDN and said that he was disappointed he didn't get a chance to meet NDN. I think NDN was somewhere in the school, but I couldn't find him at that moment. My cousin told me not to worry that he was moving into my building soon. I told him I had to run because I was going to go teach a Phys Ed class. (If you know me, and my hatred of P.E., you'll know how ridiculous this is). Anyway, he asked how I knew how to teach the class. I told him it was a lot of lecturing and writing on the board. I said that I was going to teach about baseball, but I was nervous the students would be able to tell that I don't even know how to play the game. My cousin and his friends laughed and I was off.

At some point, after the school day, I went outside to wait for the bus. Narc was also there at the bus stop. The bus wasn't really a bus though--it was a huge glass bubble, similar to what we had seen at the Space Center. For some reason, I knew that Narc had a childhood trauma related to being on one of those glass bubble buses and I was worried about him. We weren't really talking, but I asked him if he were okay or if it upset him too much because of his past trauma. (It reminded me of that day in July when we went to see a movie which I knew was about a really sensitive issue for him and he busted out of the theater without talking about it when it was over. I wrote about that here). He told me that normally the crystal ball/bus would upset him, but after what he had been through at the Space Center that afternoon, his eyes had been "opened." (I'm not sure what he meant by that).

Then things got sappy. He said that he knows how sad I've been because he's been sad too with all this time apart. I don't remember how the dream ended, but there was some sort of reconciliation/happy ending and I felt like this whole mess and all of the pain was worth it because look how great it all turned out.

The dream went on for a while, I think, but I woke up. I wrote down as much as I could remember right away because it was still with me, but even now, writing this post, I don't remember it anymore--I only have a vague idea and the words I scribbled down this morning to go on.

Anyway, don't get the wrong idea. I'm not really thinking such an ending is possible in real life, or even hoping for it. This was, after all, just a dream. But it's rare that I remember so much of a dream that's non-recurring, so I thought I'd elicit your thoughts...



JAME said...

I agree, Fairly Bizarre dream, i've had dreams like that before... they always leave you thinking

HistoryGeek said...

Well, it's pretty clear that music and your singing is a pretty powerful piece of who you are. And, obviously, Narc is still pretty present in your mind.

I know, I know, go for the obvious, spins!