Thursday, September 08, 2005

Questions Answered

I'm tired, tired, TIRED!

Home from my killer day and running over that never-ending nightly debate in my mind about whether or not to go "out" tonight. Hammer mentioned a possible party on the Lower East Side. I haven't heard from her yet, though, so I guess it's not going to happen.

Anyway, I figured I'd answer Charby's questions first, and then throw one out to all of you-- a little dilemma I'm having with my super.

So, here it goes:

1 - Favourite song ever? And guilty pleasure - I'm talking about real cheesy songs here that no-one else should know about.

For my favorite song, I have to say I'm a sap. I love sad versions of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" and "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face." For guilty pleasures (and I should feel really guilty about this), I like to listen to Elvis gospel. It's bad. But anything by Elvis is good in my book.

(Boy, my Boy!)

2 - Where would you be ideally in 5 years time? Married, kids? living abroad?

In five years? That would put me at 31... Holy shit. Your question is freaking me out.

Okay, let me try to calm down... Hmmm...

I will have finished my dissertation by then and I will officially be "Dr. Hyde," (a scary thought). I will hopefully have straightened a lot of shit out and found a somewhat stable and loving relationship. I guess I hope to be thinking about marriage and kids, but not quite there yet. I'll probably be working on starting my career, degree in hand, and living wherever I get the best job, although New York will forever be in my blood and my home of choice. I just hope that I'm happy, whatever I'm doing.

3 - The ultimate pet---- giraffe? Leopard? What? extinct or imaginary?

I already have the ultimate pet--my very own Mr. Rochester. I get very intensely committed. Mr. Rochester has my heart and I can't even think of another. (Although, I have to admit, I've always wanted a horse).

4 - Who's at your dinner party and what do you serve them?

Is this a real or an imagined dinner party? I'm not one for celebrities and that kind of thing. I think it would be cool to have a dinner party for this whole little blogging community. The conversation would be endless, don't you think? I don't know what I would serve. Maybe spaghetti and meatballs because that's one of the only things I make really well. Then again, I've been known to plan a "historical" feast or two. Once I through a Renaissance luncheon, everything prepared out of a book called "Shakespeare's Kitchen." Another time, I threw a Medieval dinner party. In both cases the food was interesting, and the parties were a lot of fun. I may not be a born cook, but I'm smart, can follow a recipe, and am really into recreating historical moments. Of course, it would have to be a costume party as well. Oh, and everyone would have to toast with Jack Daniels. ;)

5 - salt and vinegar crisps (chips) or cheese and onion?

There's no competition--salt and vinegar.

Okay, so now for my other dilemma:

NDN was just over here gossiping with me, and catching up on the day's events. He told me that he bumped into my super and that the super had a few things to say about me. Basically, the super heard from the temporary night doorman (his nephew) that I got in really late on Tuesday and brought back a couple with me. The super also told NDN that he should "watch out for me." I'm really pissed off about all of this. I think it's completely unprofessional for the super and the doorman to be gossiping about me behind my back. But that's one thing. The fact that the super went on to tell NDN my business is an entirely other issue! What if NDN and I were seeing each other? Or what if I had a crush on him or something? The super has no idea what the nature of our friendship is, so what right does he have to pass on my private life to someone else in the building? I am so mad, I'm steaming. I'm just too tired to let it all out right now. I want to say something to the super--that it's inappropriate, that this is my home, and that I have the right to privacy. The only thing is, I don't want to make matters worse by drawing attention to something that might have been said in passing and then forgotten.


And as for the questions game-- if anyone else has any questions they want to throw my way, ask ahead.




feitclub said...

My advice is to let this go, for now. Feuding with anybody in authority in a housing situation is a no-win scenario. Even if the super was wrong to say those things (which I agree), calling him on it probably won't get an apology, it'll make things worse. And if anything goes wrong, it would be a real shame to lose that apartment. Not only is a fabulous place, you'd have to have a talk with your Mom about what happened and that would suck.

If something like this happens again, then maybe there is a problem. At that point you would have every right to rock the boat a little and complain to someone.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Daniel San.

Hyde said...

Point taken. But there's no way I'm going to lose the apartment. My family owns it. And this is not a building with a board for approval. If anything, I should report him for unprofessional behavior!


Flash said...

Know I'm a bit late here but I just wanted to say that I'd love that dinner party for all the bloggers round here.
That said, they'd probably all curse me for I'd be a bad influence!
"Got any medicine, Hyde?"
"Let's have another drink!"