Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Song Choices

So, I've got my three songs for the cabaret!

Song #1: I Had Myself a True Love, Harold Arlen
Song # 2: As Long As He Needs Me, Lionel Bart
Song # 3: Big Spender, Cy Colman

I'm especially afraid of performing Big Spender anywhere except at home in front of my own mirror. But isn't that why I took this class? To challenge myself?

In any case, I'm finding the whole cabaret thing to be "fun! fun! fun!"

(okay, pardon my dorky sense of humor).




Jessica said...

Sing-man knows about the Cabaret class that you're in! Har-har!

shorty said...

Break a leg!

Anonymous said...

I have a problem. While the main reason I can't stand hearing you reuminate about Narc is because I think he is a terrible person, the other main reason is because I am in love with you. I have been in love with you for quite some time now and it has come to the point where I just can't hide my true feelings anymore. I want you Hyde, I need you in my life and more than just as a friend. Every time I am with you and we are laughing and having fun, I picture the two of us together and how happy we would be. Every time I touch you to try and create an "awkward" moment is really just an excuse to touch you. It's driving me crazy to see you hang around that guy Narc who treats you like dirt while I would treat you like a true Queen. I love you Hyde and want to have babies with you so we can fuck them up in our own special way.

shorty said...

16,000 visitor, Baby!

HistoryGeek said...

Oh my!

Anonymous said...

I never told you this because I didn't want to complicate our friendship, but I have felt the same yearning for you that NDN described since we were STD pledges, the night you wore the yellow tea rose. Will you have my babies when you finish having his?
Love, VJ

Hyde said...

NDN- I never knew you felt this way, but now I understand so much of what has happened between us in a whole new light. Rachel was right-- there is a special something there, and I don't know why I never saw it before. It's settled then... I'm yours. We'll celebrate tonight and I'll make all of your dreams come true. It's time to make some noise on the OTHER side of my wall!

VJ-- The yellow tea rose can certainly be a heady intoxicant. Its sweet perfume also awakened in me a longing for you, my sister, in the truest sense of the word. So, it pains me to say this, but I'm not sure that I can handle a long distance relationship right now. I'm lazy... And NDN IS right next door. I do think that our babies would be just as uniquely fucked up though. That is, if we didn't kill them by being too lazy to get up and feed them, or if could ever find them among the mounds of trash that would surely accumulate in our home!



PS: I'm such a loser. I stood B up today and spent the day drunk. I just left Narc at the Patriot where he is getting drunker. And he doesn't think we have a mutual drinking problem?!?!?


I'm off to meet Bezoukhoff and filled with self-disgust.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to fill you with something else! But we'll save that for later!

Anonymous said...

I know that sometimes it is difficult to know when I am being sincere and when I am teasing, but please take what I am about to say seriously. I am concerned for your health and your mind and your body and your soul. If you must live such a depraved life then you should at least buy some afterlife insurance. I am talking about GOD, Hyde! God! Our Lord Savior in Heaven, Jesus Christ, the Almighty who was conceived not by some filthy whore who- gasp!- had done da dirtay dirtay but a pure Virgin (like me) with her sacred maidenhead still intact. I see no evidence that you have accepted Him into your life or your heart. If you don't change your ways you will end up in Hell with all the other Jews who failed to see the Truth. Amen.
Can you guess who this is?