Tuesday, March 28, 2006

24 Night!

Last night's 24 KICKED ASS!!! It was my favorite episode of the season, and anyone who knows me (and saw the show) will very clearly know why. However, I'll refrain from saying more until our friends across the pond are up to date.

Let's just put it this way-- it gave me something about which to fantasize (other than troubled sex with Narc)...

Hammer came over to watch the show. It was a classic 24-night with Hammer! But before she got here, I had to make a run to Duane Reade to get light bulbs. On the way there, I bumped into NDN coming back from the gym. He agreed to walk me to the drug store, where he recommended I buy a new energy drink--Kabbalah Energy Drink.

It's a red bull knock off and the cans are twice the size. He said it was pretty potent stuff. I'm a caffeine junky and pretty much take it to stabilize, so I was sure whatever it was, it wouldn't make me too jittery. As I sit here and type I'm trying out my first can. The taste (even though sugar free) is a tad too sweet, but I'm feeling a little sharper-- a little less muddy-- and that's the best caffeinated feeling there is!!!

NDN also brought back a bucket of fried chicken from Georgia (which he graciously shared with me on Sunday night) and he promised that there was another piece saved "with my name on it." He brought the chicken over at around 11:00.

Hammer and I stayed up talking WAY later than we should have! It was a good theraputic talk though. In addition to our ever-present issues with "boys," she was having blogger issues-- wanting to keep both her haloscan comments and get regular blogger comments going as well, and she couldn't figure out how to do it. I have a very low tolerance for frustration and get super-invested in figuring things out when there's a problem like that posed, so I was determined to help her. (I especially get like that with things computer related!) Even though she left here at about 1:30 am, I stayed online until nearly 3:00 am until I worked it out for her. Hammer was online back at her place too, so we chatted a little more before bed. I can't wait to see how the next chapter in her SingMan saga unfolds!

As for Narc, he texted me yesterday: Off to screenwriters meeting. How was your concert?

That screenwriters meeting is in my neighborhood and meets twice a month. Over the past month or so, he's always called me after the meeting. I didn't text him back right away, but wondered if he would call me after the meeting anyway. He didn't. "Playing it cool," I guess. It's just as well, as I was exhausted and with Hammer... But the politics of it... It still threw me off a bit.

I eventually wrote back: Concert was great. The audience gave us a standing O. :) Hope you had fun at meeting...

Hmm... What else is going on? B and I had a "heart to heart" of sorts yesterday that I don't really want to get into. He's coming over this afternoon for a few hours today. What else...? I had therapy this morning and that went pretty well, if only because I blabbed the whole time and didn't have to face up to any real critique because there was no time for it.

Oh-- also, I've taken to watching Intervention on A&E. It's depressing but most compelling. It has me transfixed. Last night (at 4:00 am) I also watched Spying on Myself on A&E. That show has a really strange premise!

I've got a really busy week coming up... Cabaret tonight and grading midterms; teaching tomorrow and then choir practice and then BarMan's show at Back Fence; going to a museum opening with Bezoukhoff on Thursday; teaching all day Friday and then going to a benefit dinner with my mom; going to hear Barbara Cook at the Carlyle on Saturday (possibly followed by a party with NDN and Hammer); singing in another concert on Sunday... Oh yeah-- and I have to finish those centerpieces and do some actual real work in between all that too!

Anyway, that's it for now. I'm really in no mood to blog. My eyes are stinging too much. I want to close them. I really need some sleep!

Hope you are all well!




shorty said...

Good Luck sleeping after taking a high caffenine energy drink.

Let us know if how they taste.

Enjoy your busy week, it will fly by with all that to do.

Chapstick said...

Ew, some freinds of mine and I went a-sampling energy drinks one night last semester, and we all pretty much agreed that Kabbalah is what it would taste like to lick a camel. Ick.

swisslet said...

your discretion is both noted and greatly appreciated. We've just got to the episode where Julian Sands turns up, so I think we're a ways behind you yet....


Jessica said...

that was a little pointless of us to stay up so late! Oh well!

Jessica said...

that was a little pointless of us to stay up so late! Oh well!