Monday, March 13, 2006

A Good Kick in the Ass

As I've been home sick all day today, that didn't leave much room for adventure. Even so, I managed to have a fairly nice day. Hammer came over in the afternoon and brought me a cheese steak. I had to hear all about her adventures with Sing-Man. Then, later in the evening, I got a call from the Stallion! I think you all need a mini Stallion-update.

I hadn't seen him in many months when we got back in touch in January. He wanted to hang out, but I was skeptical and told him bluntly I "didn't want to have sex." He told me to chill out and not to worry so much. We ended up going out drinking one night with a lot of kissing, but no sex. And he texted me on his way home: love you.

After that, I didn't hear from him for a few weeks and started to worry that he was leaving my "orbit." I don't know if it makes sense to most of you, but it's just a comfort of sorts knowing that I have him on back burner, among possible suitors, so to speak. Anyway, I texted him Happy Valentine's Day in February with no reply.

Another few weeks went by with no word from the Stallion. I figured he must be in girlfriend-mode. Then, last week at the Patriot with Narc, I texted the Stallion trying to get a drug-number. He called me the next day, but I was out on a date with TT. Then he called me again the following Wednesday, but I was on my way to choir. He told me to call him when I finished choir, but I went straight to the Patriot again to meet Narc, and so I couldn't. So I texted him: Got tied up after choir. Want to hang out some time soon?

I don' t know why I wrote that. I don't really want to hang out with him.

Anyway, he called me tonight. We had an awkward conversation. He asked what was up and I said that I was sick.

"I can think of a few ways to make you feel better," he said.

"No, I mean I'm really sick," I laughed.

"So, what's been going on with you, Hyde?"

"I don't know. Same old, same old, I guess."

"Just livin'?" he asked.

"Yeah, you could say that."

I started to tell him about my incompletes in school.

"I just can't seem to get started on them," I said.

"Why not?"

"I don't know... I guess I just need a good kick in the ass..."

He laughed.

"Well, I could definitely come over there and give you a kick in the ass!"

And that about sums it up.

Anyway, he said he wanted to meet up, but that he wanted to do something "normal," as in no drugs or blackouts.

"Like what?" I asked. "Like dinner and a movie?" (That's just not my Stallion-context. I can't imagine it.)

"Well, yeah! When are you free this week?"

"Weeknights are hard for me," I said.

"What about afternoons?"

"I could do Thursday afternoon, I guess..."

"So, Thursday for lunch?"

"Yeah... sure... Thursday for lunch."

"Cool. I'll send you an email to set it up."

When we hung up, I felt strange.

What am I doing?

I'm in love with Narc...

Maybe I really do need a good kick in the ass.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

i say scrap the stallion....