Friday, November 04, 2005

The Weekend Arrives!

Wow, this week went fast! Probably because I spent the first half of it laying sick in bed. But I have a really busy weekend ahead of me and probably won't be able to post until Sunday night.

What will I be up to?

  • Tonight I'm having dinner with B and his girlfriend (ahhhh!)
  • After that, I may swing by Narc's (and obviously, stay over)
  • Saturday morning I have a voice lesson
  • Then I'm going to Long Island to see my stepbrother and go shopping with my mom
  • My mom wants to go see Good Night and Good Luck, so we may go in the evening.
  • Sunday morning I'm taking a ride with the family over to NJ for a Christening. (It's the W family, our old neighbors-- the oldest boy, CW, and his wife just had a baby)
  • And then I'll be back at my place with a ton of reading to do!

I was so strategic with Narc today. When I woke up this morning I had a text message from him sent at 5:06 am. He wrote: up? Well, I know the Narc. That means he was out late partying (so much for him being sick!). And that means he'd sleep in until 2:00 or so. Then, he'd get up, watch some TV, order takeout, play his video games, and at around 5:00 start to feel a little down and a little lonely. So that's when I called-- right at 5:00. I left him a message telling him that I'm having dinner with friends and that I wanted to know if he wanted to hang out "low key" afterwards. He called me right back. Score!

Anyway, that's just me being me... Maybe it's a little obsessive. Whatever...

I had a pretty good day today though. I'm feeling a little more grounded and I've been in a sort of "re-connecting" mood. On Wednesday night, I called an old college friend, KSing, who I haven't spoken to in about a year. It was as if no time had passed at all. I was up at Columbia waiting for my choir rehearsal to start, when I called. I sat and talked to her on the library steps near the Alma Mater. We just talked and talked. When I was in college we used to rehearse on Mondays and Wednesdays, so it was kind of surreal, to be there on a Wednesday with my black binder in tow, talking to KSing on college walk. She told me that she's singing in a band now-- something with bluegrass influences. She's living in D.C. working on a degree in literature and creative writing. (I'm not sure if it's a MA or a PhD). In any case, the conversation made me feel good. That friends don't just disappear.

This morning, I had a nice talk with my sister. Then I had a great speech therapy session and bought two pairs of shoes.

I spent the rest of the day mentally prepping for this dinner tonight. I need to go get started on my makeup. Oh... and I need to leave time to pit-stop at Cheers for a drink. I need to put my game face on for this one.

Hope you all have a great weekend!



feitclub said...

I don't want to focus on the negative or point out the obvious, but notice how he was "too sick" to get together in public but he didn't hesitate to try and get you to come over to his place for sex.

Enjoy the weekend, it sounds like it'll be a blast. As for me, I have no plans at this time. Not that I'm about to spend an entire weekend reading H.P. Lovecraft...

sunshine said...

Hope tonight goes/went well. I'm going to see NIN tomorrow night, I'll be checking in on Hydey on Sunday night though just to get the juicy details of it all.

Hope your bro is doing better, well wishes to him.

Hyde said...

I just pit-stopped at home in the middle of my evening, but I have to comment--

Dan- that's ridiculous. I hang out with him in public all the time! Last weekend we spent the whole afternoon together in public on Friday.

And he WAS sick. So was I, remember? I'm better now, so why shouldn't he be?

And he doesn't have to "try to get me" to come down. I called him, remember?


Anonymous said...

Well if you've bought two pairs of shoes, then everything should be okay then.

HistoryGeek said...

I hope everything goes well tonight.

Flash said...

Good luck Hydeypoos!