Friday, November 04, 2005

Everything I Know...

Everything I know is unstable.

Think about it...

"Reason" means nothing when there is primitive impulse. It's 3:00 am. I just bought a box of hair-dye. I was drunk, but I asked a stranger if the color would look good on me. Don't get me wrong... I still want my hair to be black, but just with a little more dimension. I need to get rid of any gray strands before I meet B's girlfriend tomorrow. Why should I have gray strands anyway? I'm 26! (Yes, it's fucked up. Okay... We all know I'm basically insecure!)

Suddenly, I have nothing to say. I still have a crush on BarMan. In fact, a bigger one. But bigger still, my crush on Narc. I LOVE him. I know you all think I'm a stupid fuck for that. I don't care. None of you feel what I feel. And I can't say anything beyond that right now. And I don't have to...

I want to go drown myself in a hot shower. How many of you have ever had the DIVINE pleasure of downing a super-cold bottle of white (or pink) wine while taking an insanely hot shower? I don't have the wine, so that won't be me tonight... but Damn... That's as good as anything I've known.


Good night!


(PS: I am trying.)


feitclub said...

No one here thinks you're stupid, just a little short sighted sometimes. Enjoy the shower, don't literally drown in anything please. I think your writing continues to sound more positive lately, even if you still have questions about where you're going.

Lots of love!

Charby said...

A bath with a bottle of wine sounds better (if I liked wine that is!)

HistoryGeek said...

A hot shower sounds good...with wine? I'm trying to figure out how I'd keep the water out of the glass.

LavaLady said...

I have a favourite reisling that would be fabulous in the shower, I'll have to try it.

Love is a stupid ridiculous wonderful awful fabulous thing.

Hyde said...

Spins-- no glass. Straight out of the bottle. The best part is the hot water running down the outside while the cool liquid runs down the inside, and the slight disorientation from the alcohol... Perfect!

By the way-- I don't suggest drunk hair-dying. I woke up this morning to a messy bathroom .



And LavaLady-- I agree.

Flash said...

Spliff in the bath works for me sometimes, it's the juxtaposition of my wet skin against the course, swift searing heat of the hot rocks!