Thursday, November 10, 2005

I don't know what to think...

First of all, I forgot to tell you all that yesterday was VJ's Birthday.
VJ-- I don't know if you still read this, but if you do, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!



I don't know what to think.

A little while ago, I reunited with a friend of mine that I hadn't seen in about 10 years. (I knew her in high school, but even then, we weren't very close). We spoke on the phone a few times in recent weeks, and she seems to be doing fine. She's a talented woman working in the arts, has a boyfriend she loves, and generally has her shit together.

Today, during my "in-between-teaching" internet procrastination, I came across her blog. What I found-- what she wrote-- is really bothering me.

As none of you know her, here is what she wrote:

I fuckin hate this blog shit.

I read what i write and realize it's nothing but sickness.

Word vomit puked up by my fingers to splash all over the screen violently. And it's fuckin addictive, contagious. Others read it, like it, hate, perplexed by it or my fucked up spelling or lack of proper grammer and what not....spreading this disease of horrible poetry, or writing, or just a shit load of run on sentences.

I never claimed to be good, infact, I will be the very first to stand up in a crowded room and scream out "I am fuckin worthless and my fingers should be hacked off"

Yet here i go again.....addictive. I know it's shit....urine.....pissed out just to get rid of the vileness and away from me. Its sap. its crap. darkness, blah....cold, sad...oh fuckin shut the fuck up.

I type now....i type because my fingers are accustomed to the motions of clicking on keys and have been craving this since my keyboard committed suicide.

The pizzaria i sit in smells of garlic and rain...and i only have 30 minutes left on this public computer. Im infecting it. I'm wipping my germs of worthless prose all over it. Perhaps the next person who sits here will write in there stupid ass livejournal about some crisis in thier lives that all the rest of us not willingly, need to be exposed to.

Here are the sick words....more fuckin words just arranged letters that make no sense to anyone, not even I, and i see them as they appear on the screen.

But it's like a dream, a weird sort of trip in my head beyond haze and fog where i can actualy be creative and not give a shit.

So what i draw, i sing, i make costumes made of glass and metal....nothign is greatness. Mediocrity , and i accept that as i accept my place and things that can not be changed. I'm better than those that can't, but in my opinion, i fuckin suck. and thats ok. A couple of chords on a guitar, a few songs spilled out and scattered poetry a few think is "fabulous"....greeeeaaat.

I wanna be fucked. I wann be pressed against a wall, my hips slammed against the plaster as my man takes me as i want him too. To take advantage of what i offer and yet fuck me like he wants to fuck ME, and not just stick his dick in something. I wanna be ravaged and wanted and emptied of this sickness that coarses through my viens and makes me want to stick my finger down my throat. If i could i would slit my wrists and drain the words out with my blood....sit in the tub and watch them swirl with the dirty water, and be dilluted into pink suds to wash away. But alas,,,,i'm too much of a pussy to do it. and thats ok too. we can't all be strong enough for such actions.

the doctor told me the other day i have an unusualy lareg heart as he peered over my chest xray. huh....and here i thought it was shriveled and decaying...rotting in my chest and making me weeze. sometimes things are just too fuck strange to even ponder. I'd give up, but fuck, then what would i do to pass the time?

There are only so many documentaries i can watch on discovery, only so many times i can rewatch that really hot episode of Rome. I feel like i should just walk out into the rain and dissapear, like so many think i would...witches are allergic to water so i am told.

21 minutes much more can i cram. I dont want to go back to my apartment. I dont want to stare at the winged goddess i drew on my wall any more. She mocks me now....she sees what i do, and she knows I am pathetcic. If she could, she woud fly away.

Ahhh, I've coughed up again. gagged....thrown up more words of sap quessiness...aren't you surprised? no... doubtful. always fuckin doubtful.I am vulgar. I am a wretched woman....and thats ok. its all fuckin ok. thats what i keep telling's ok.


I'm upset for a few reasons. (The least of which are grammar and spelling, but trying to read stuff like that hurts my brain). First and foremost, I suffered from depression for a while and I used to romanticize it all of the time. Reading her writing reminded me, a lot, of what my brain used to be like. I haven't thought in those terms in a very long time and I haven't thought about thinking in those terms in a very long time. But being let inside of someone else's personal narrative like that has reminded me of my former self and unnerved me. I like to think that I "grew out of" my once beloved "adolescent morbidity." Yet, here is my friend at 27 years old, speaking in a voice that scares me.

On top of that, I feel like a voyeur for having found this. I feel like I did something wrong. Would she want me to read it? Am I going to look at her differently the next time I see her?

All I know is that right now, I feel very uncomfortable.

And I don't know what to think.

Anyway, I'll give you guys a more complete update later. But as for last night, basically-- the concert was incredible; B and I had a great evening; I actually got more than five hours of sleep last night; and Narc texted me at 11:30 that he was "at B&B" (or Bar and Books in the West Village, for those of you not in "the know").

I know you're probably all sick of my Narc-obsessing, but then again, this is my blog, so I reserve the right to obsess as I please.

I wrote back to him:
Have fun! I was at an amazing concert tonight, but in bed falling asleep now. Tomorrow is my long day again. Talk to you tomorrow night?

And he wrote back: K.

Weird. Maybe Mystic is right, and I'm on the Titanic. But whatever... There's meaning there for me.



So... Total Narc contact for the week:
Thurs, 11/3- he texts me
Fri, 11/4- I stayed over there
Sat, 11/5- He called me that night
Sun, 11/6- We spoke on the phone
Mon, 11/7- I texted him (with no reply)
Tues, 11/8- I stayed over there
Wed, 11/9- he texted me to invite me out.


Anonymous said...

I may be wrong but i think that Mystic was saying that you ARE the Titanic on a fateful crash course the way things are in some aspects of your life. At least that's what i took away from the comment.
SHIT! I know the girl that you are referring to and that really really sucks that she sees herself that way.
Call me later, we'll stop eluding each other and I'll give you your dress back.

Hyde said...

NDN-- Does it really matter if I AM the ship or am ON the ship? I agree-- his point was I'm on a fateful crash course. That's why I brought it up in reference to Narc. But then I said that even if I crash, there's meaning there for me. Was I not clear? Or are you just being picky?



HistoryGeek said...

So you say that she seems to be okay and have her life together when you talk to her?

Because two things go through my head....1) she's pretty disturbed; or 2) she's having a crappy day and is letting her sense of creativity and drama get the better of her.

Anonymous said...

I understood when you said there is meaning there for you and it doesn't really make a difference i guess if you ARE the ship or you are ON the ship, but there is definitely a difference between being something and being on it.

Hyde said...

okay... so you're just being picky.

Anonymous said...

Hyde I am not even going to comment about this post instead I want to give you something positive.

I believe with all my heart that you hold the fate of your life in your hands. I also belive that you can easily be one of the survivors of the Titanic. You just have to decide when you want to start.

feitclub said...

I feel like a voyeur for having found this. I feel like I did something wrong.

I think those two statements have no logical connection. I believe everyone has a voyeuristic tendency or two and there's nothing wrong about that. You didn't sneak into her room and read her diary, you read words that she posted for the world to see. That's not invasive in the least.

Would she want you specifically to read that? No one can say for sure, but she certainly wanted her words to be read or she wouldn't have written them.

As far as seeing your past reflected in her words, I hope you would take comfort in seeing how much you have improved in recent times. You don't come across as depressed in your writing (at least, not since I've been reading).

On a different subject altogether (since NDN is "around"), when do I get to see the Halloween pictures? Somebody please help me out.

Hyde said...

Mystic- thank you. I know you're right. But it's hard for me to look past the moment sometimes.

Dan- my "depression" in the past was long before this blog started. It was my late teen years. As for Halloween pics, I'll send you some...


swisslet said...

I can understand why you would feel disturbed reading that when it is written by someone that you know... I'm reading it cold, I don't know anything about the person writing it, and - this is going to sound awful - I thought it sounded like sorry, self-indulgent crap written by a teenager. Sorry. The mental image it conjured with me was of one of those teenage goths - all black eyeshadow, piercings, long leather overcoat and a marilyn manson fetish.


Although, to be fair, if I knew that person and knew what they were really like, I agree that I would probably be a little alarmed.

As for feeling like a voyeur - hell, as bloggers, we're pretty much all voyueurs and exhibitionists aren't we?


Anonymous said...

Speak for yourself SwissToni

swisslet said...


You're right, I can't speak for anyone else, but what I look for in a blog is emotional authenticity.... if I am going to want to read a blog on a regular basis, I need to feel that the author is pouring themselves into their writing. If it doesn't ring true to me, then I'm not interested. I know this makes me sound like an emotional ghoul, thriving on other people's emotions, but that's the way it is.

Reading the most intimate details of the lives of people I don't know and will almost certainly never meet makes me a voyeur, I reckon.

As a blogger, I'm not as personal as some people, but I am pretty open. There are things on my blog that I have never told a soul before, and here they are, being told at the confessional of a potential audience of millions (albeit to an actual audience of about ten). I think to some extent that makes me an exhibitionist.

Perhaps you think differently? Let's hear it....


Anonymous said...

swiss toni, maybe on my blog I would answer such comment. But I don't think its fair to highjack Hydes fo my personal banter.