Sunday, November 05, 2006

Halloween Antics

It's such a busy week this week that I fear I'll never catch up on all my blogging! So, I'll try to give a brief rundown of the Halloween week as best I can, before moving on...

Halloween was a blast. The day before my sister's party (Friday, Oct. 27th), I hung out with Bezoukhoff all day. I cleaned my bathroom while he stood in the doorway reading me excerpts from War and Peace. Such is my life. In the evening, we went to the supermarket and cooked dinner together. Brick came over and ate with us. Later, NDN stopped by too and all four of us played "dress up," rummaging through my costume bin, trying on a whole slew of wigs, tunics, gloves, glasses and gowns. Me and the boys... Yes, such is my life. It was so much fun.

That night, Bezoukhoff had an insane amount of work to do and a long trek home to Brooklyn, so I offered for him to stay over at my place. Brick and I retired to the bedroom while Bezoukhoff stayed up all night, kept company by Mr. Rochester, sorting through articles about 18th Century sodomy for the Professor he is assisting. (I'm waiting for Hammer to give that professor a name. She is the expert at naming our professors!)

The next morning, Brick left to have lunch with Sherbie while I stayed home all day, my hair in rollers, constructing a wig for my mother (who went as Frida Kahlo) and one for Brick (who went as Jocelyn Wildenstein ). NDN took care of his own costume. He went as "a sexually confused professor." (Don't ask!)

Brick came over to my place in the late afternoon. We ate Dominoes and got dressed. NDN joined us at around 5:00. We took some pictures together at my place and then headed out to my sister's apartment.

The party was a lot of fun. I thought my mom's costume was the best one there. LilSis and JBC were funny dressed as Pamela Anderson and Kid Rock. NDN was a little out of control with his antics. Also, it was hard for me to be at the party without drinking. I know it was hard for Brick too.

Afterwards, Brick wanted to go to a tranny bar in the West Village to show off his new style. I was bone tired, but reluctantly agreed. So off we went-- me, Brick and NDN in costume. A very bizarre trio.

The bar had a cover and so we weren't sure we wanted to go in, but the bouncer promised us a "good time." Once inside, we realized that we had been duped. The bar was empty, save for two other people, and this at the the peak hour on a Saturday night! I was cranky and didn't want to be in a bar. NDN was trying to make chit chat with the few others there. Brick was embarrassed that he presented as an ugly girl, all disheveled at the end of the night and made up to look like a plastic surgery nightmare. Needless to say, we decided to leave.

I wasn't quite ready to call it a night, and so I suggested we stop by Marie's. Once inside, I saw a familiar face. It was SingMan! Dear old SingMan! I immediately texted Hammer with the gossip. SingMan spotted me as well and came over to ask me why Hammer was no longer returning his texts.

"She's been busy with studying for her orals," I said. "And she's in a relationship now."

SingMan was there with RabbitNose, his old girlfriend. I tried to snap a picture of them to send to Hammer. It was kind of funny.

NDN and Brick didn't want to hang out there for too long, though. NDN doesn't sing, and so a piano bar isn't really his thing. And Brick was feeling less and less attractive in his costume. So at around 3:00 am, we headed home.

All in all, it was a good pre-Halloween weekend. On Sunday morning, I went shoe shopping with Brick, traipsing up and down Fifth Avenue into stores like Gucci and Prada. Brick bought me a baseball hat-- the Virginia Cavaliers. (Brick and I are the only two people I know who would walk into a sports store, pick a hat by the design and decide to root for that team on that basis alone!)

Later on in the afternoon, I met up with Hammer. We went to see Marie Antoinette, which I thought was pretty terrible. Afterwards, we ate at "the German diner" and sat and talked for a really long time. I capped the night off with a bubble tea and headed home to sleep.

As for the week itself, everything was alright. I did a ton of work on my fourth step (although I'm still not nearly done) and I was glad because Meema arrived back from her week-long cruise. I'm starting to wonder about my sponsor, Talis, though, because she is consistently annoying me, but I'm not quite sure what to do about it.

In any case, I didn't see Narc for most of the week, although our daily text messaging continued. Finally, on Thursday, I felt the iron was hot, so I struck... I called him and left him a message asking whether or not he wanted to meet up. He called me back at midnight... drunk, of course.

"It's November," he said. "I think you owe me a date on the roof."

I can't believe he remembered. I was elated.

Anyway, I'll continue later. Right now I'm off to meet Hammer to study together at "the Tea Spot," my new favorite local.

And more on this later, but if any of you read this, please include my aunt in your prayers-- she was diagnosed with cancer this week. And also, please include Brick. I don't want to go into his personal business, but he needs your love and good energy right now, too.



shorty said...

Thinking of your Aunt and Brick.

Charby said...

love to both!

HistoryGeek said...

Sending out much love.

Aravis said...

Lots of love and good energy being sent their way!