Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Old Habits...

Narc just called me twice and woke me-- once on my cell phone, once on my home phone. And guess what, guys? I didn't pick up! But I'm so unsettled right now. He was drunk and relatively incoherent. (Surprise, surprise!) Oh, and I think there was an "I miss you" thrown in there for good measure. I'll give a full transcription in the morning. As for now, I'm off to get some water and to get back into bed where I'll let all of this gnaw at my stomach for a few more hours.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry. And I'm way too tired to figure it out.



feitclub said...

Laugh at him if it makes you feel better. I don't think you have anything to cry about. Remember, if you don't call back he won't stop calling. If you want him to stop, you'll have to tell him to stop.

Of course, that's assuming you want him to go away.

Charby said...

Laugh at him.
Then go treat yourself to some ice cream for not picking up! Yay You! Keep it up!

sunshine said...

You are strong!!! I always knew it. One day at a time. I don't think you need to call him and tell him to leave you alone. He might not be that dumb, he might get the hint.

Just take it slow, one day at a time. He might just be the hardest habit you have to break, and you are doing great at it.

: )

Anonymous said...

First- I agree with Charby. Be very very very proud that you didn't pick up and treat yourself to some Ice cream. I can understand the gnawing, you've been dreading-expecting this for a while now. But you're on the right track. Keep it up! And if you do get some ice cream pick some up for your neighbor!

Sarah663 said...

I agree with sunshine - don't call him back! once he sees he's not getting a reaction from you, the behavior will extinguish itself. go you! ;)

HistoryGeek said...

Yay for Hyde. Stay strong, sister. Sadly, I think calling him back is going to be a bad idea. He will figure out, eventually, that you are not wanting contact.