Saturday, October 01, 2005


I'm procrastinating and was just googling people's names. I found my 9th grade English teacher-- a major love of my life, albeit an unrequited crush. It was a formative experience. I still love him. (I don't think I EVER fall out of love with anyone...)

Anyway, I just sent him an email. Now I'm feeling nervous-- like a thirteen year old girl with a major crush all over again! I don't care. As silly as it is, it's good to feel butterflies in my stomach for someone other than Narc.



PS: Dan--here are your answers. Don't forget you have to post the questions on your site. Still figuring out a prize for the other contest last week...

1.) You have lots of inspiring "Craig's List" adventures
2.) New York, New York
3.) Blueberry
4.) Marlon Brando--Fan Tan
5.) Hammer and I found your blog through a mass email your dad sent. We were at my place procrastinating last December and read through a lot of it, looking for clues to figure out who you were. We left you a comment together a week or so later. I'm not sure of the first time I commented as "hyde."
6.) Deer-- you have always been sensitive and seem to have a gentle nature.
7.) What are your three primary goals in life?


sunshine said...

Did I miss something? Who is this crush on?

Email me chickie!


Hyde said...

It's just an old crush from when I was 13. I haven't seen this teacher in ages. It's a silly thing... Not a real prospect or anything. Don't get too excited. I'm just living a fantasy life these days...

HistoryGeek said...

Fantasy...fantasy is good.

feitclub said...

Here are the I've got to go back and find the questions again. ^_^

For the record, I made a note in my archives when you first left a comment. It was January 30, 2005 and you wanted to assure me that I was not an alcoholic.

feitclub said...

FYI, I'm going to post your answers on my blog but I don't think you really meant to announce how you found my blog, so I left that detail out.

I should answer your question here, right? My three primary goals are:

-to be loved.
-to feel good about myself (my whole self, not just a few parts).
-to make a difference in somebody's life.

Hyde said...

Dan- check out your 12/19 post...
