Friday, October 07, 2005

Subway (again)

Well, I'm glad I'm not on the subway today... There's some kind of terrorist alert and who wants to deal with that?

That said, I did just go to "subway" to get a sandwich. I left my house to get some medicine at the drug store, again bra-less, (only this time in pink lipstick, not red), again, in a t-shirt and jeans, feeling messy. (I don't usually go outside like that, but if it's within a one block radius of my house, and I'm feeling run down, who cares, right?) This time the guy that works there decided to try to talk to me. He told me that in Egypt he was a doctor.

I have a headache.

The girls still aren't here for our afternoon of holocaust movies. I'm glad though. I want to eat my sandwich first. I probably won't be able to eat during the movies.

My living room looks pretty clean, although it took a lot of effort. I'm proud of that.

I'm sure it was N that called last night. I wonder why he blocked his number though. Nevermind. I know why. If I called him, I would have blocked my number too.


Charby said...

I still think Disney would be better! LOL!
Have a good night and try not to think about him!!!

feitclub said...

Several thoughts:

[1] You can do without these trips to Subway, sandwiches are not going to help you feel better about yourself. I highly recommend the breadless "roll-up" meal: cold cuts, lettuce and mayo (or mustard) folded/rolled up.

[2] Isn't it funny (or tragic) how doctors from other countries come to the US and find themselves in our most menial jobs? Are their national standards really that low or are our standards simply that high?

[3] If that was him, blocking his number might be the closest thing you'll get to an apology for his behavior. He probably thinks you won't answer his calls because (just maybe) he realizes that he's been incredibly cruel to you.

Hyde said...

Charby-- Trust me, I'd rather the Disney too, but unfortunately that's not what my teacher assigened.

1.) No clue what this comment is about. A sandwich for lunch isn't a sin.

2.) I think this guy is working while he is in school to get reliscensed here.

3.) We'll see...