Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Scrapping Again!

Last night was definitely a "scrap it" night. Yuck. I drank too much AGAIN. There is something to be said for Mr. Mystic's last comment: one definition of insanity is, "doing the same thing all the time but expecting different results." Thinking about that one today...

Anyway, Liu called me while I was at the bar and we talked for a whole hour. I miss that girl way too much! I'm probably going to go visit her in Texas in January, which will be an amazing trip, as I only get to see her once a year. Usually, she comes to NY, so I've never even met her boyfriend the Cowboy. It will be cool to finally get a chance to see where (and how) she lives.

Hammer also called while I was at Cheers. She was going to a cocktail party with the Arch. And I have to say, regretfully, I stood up NDN for our "play date." I did call him to postpone, but alas, I was drunk and got invested in the stupid guy sitting next to me, so I kept pushing it off. Eventually he wanted to go to sleep, so we rescheduled for tonight, instead.

Um... in other news to be "scrapped," I texted Narc. I'm still embarassed about that, so I won't transcribe the text here. Something had to be said, though, so I said it. Fuck.

Um.... what else? I don't know. I think I better go try to get the whiskey off my breath by eating some breakfast so I don't make a spectacle out of myself at my voice lesson this morning. Oh, and then I have to go to therapy. Shit. It's perfect. That's just what I'm in the mood for today... More talking about my problems.

Sometimes I think that all of this "theraputic" self-absorbtion and so-called "clarity" does more to warp my perspective than anything else. Oh well...

I'm going to get dressed.



HistoryGeek said...

Mystic is a wise man.

Do you let Hyde out with your therapist, or just Jekyll?

Flash said...

Hang on a sec... are you blogging naked, Hyde?

sunshine said...

Flash? Doesn't everybody?

Hyde said...

Spins- mostly Jekyll, but I try to get "Hyde's" information across. I guess I do my best to let Hyde through, and am generally forthcoming, but it comes out slowly and in small amounts.

I'll leave that to the imagination.

If that were my rule of thumb, I wouldn't be in therapy at all. Hopefully I'll get there...

feitclub said...

Mystic, Flash, Sunshine, I like the way you folks think!

I feel silly about it, but sometimes I wish I could contact former therapists to tell them how I'm doing. They probably don't care (unless I pay them) but deep down, I imagine that they'd really want to know.

Anonymous said...

I think you would be pleasantly surprised. Therapists generally like to know how their past patients are doing. I still keep in touch with my shrink from Argentina.

HistoryGeek said...

Dan - I agree with NDN, your therapist would probably love to hear how you are (even without being paid).