Sunday, October 02, 2005

Back to my Obsessive Self

Looks like last night's phone call has my little brain running around in Narc-circles again. God damn it! I'm doing my best to calm the rustling and stay focused on my work. Even so, I found myself checking out the Exhibitionist's website again. She didn't renew her address so it was down for a while, but now it appears to be back up again.

Her entry for Sept. 28th:

...So, I've been up to the following: swimming with the dolphins on my birthday in Cape May, NJ, a beautiful September day watching Agassi at the US Open with my boyfriend, and 5 premieres, from Bob Dylan/Martin Scorcese, George Clooney, Bettie Page, and the Q and A's for "The Squid and the Whale" and "Capote". Great stuff!!! Will write again soon!!!

So the Exhibitionist has a boyfriend now... Interesting...



sunshine said...

First, I'm visitor # 7500, yea for me. I know, no prize, still I feel like I've accomplished something.

Secondly, that is very intersting, but don't put to much thought into it, she might be one of those girls who thinks a one night stand and a boyfriend are the same thing.

Third, I was thinking, how you need to take baby steps at this Narc thing and that we all in blogland are here to support you in anyway we can to get over him, when you are ready, but I had a thought, that maybe you should/would change the title/picture on this site so that you can get his name of of it. Just a thought, baby steps, that way it's not a reminder when you open this site, or for us as your readers.

Hope you are well, so sorry I haven't called, this week isn't going to be any less hectic.

feitclub said...

Hmm, you're still reading her blog? That's odd. Was Narc still in New York on the 28th?

I like Sunshine's idea too. Not that the picture isn't lovely, but anything you can do to "move on" is a step in the right direction.

Hyde said...

Dan-- Narc left town on Sept. 6th so it's definitely not him.

Sunshine-- in terms of the blog picture, B actually suggested the same thing to me. But I'm not sure about it...
