Tuesday, October 31, 2006

There's Work to be Done

I have so much that I want to say about the fun, the strange, the downright bizarre events of the weekend, but I probably won't get to writing about it for another few days. I spoke to my sponsor last night and she chided me for not having done more work on my fourth step.

"If you don't do the work, you're not going to get better," she said.

I know that she's right. So... this afternoon, instead of blogging, I put in a few hours on my fourth step. I've finally at least made a dent in the thing, although there is SO much more to do!!!

I could try to force myself to do a mega-post right now, but I just got home and I'm exhausted. I really just want to eat dinner, take a shower and collapse into bed with some scintillating, mind-numbing television.

So, forgive me if I fall behind in my blogging this week. I promise that if anything REALLY dramatic happens, I'll report it. I'm hoping I won't have to, though. God knows, I need a week of peace and quiet...



feitclub said...

I don't understand the process. "Putting a dent" in your "fourth step," is that like writing a paper? Or is this all immaterial work, so to speak?

Aravis said...

Writing your fourth step can take a lot out of you, and it's understandable that you'll feel tired or want to watch mind-numbing tv in the off-time. Sending good thoughts your way. Hang in there, it really is worth it!

Hyde said...

Hey Dan--

Yes, it's a writing thing... I can explain it to you in more detail on the phone or in person if you want... Or, you could look it up online!



Minx said...

Forcing yourself into a mega-post after working on your fourth step sounds a bit like suicide. Hope you have a week of peace and quiet, you deserve it :)