Monday, October 30, 2006

Here's to B!

Exactly ten years ago today, I met B. I'm going up to Columbia this afternoon to meet him for our anniversary celebration. Who would have thought it would have been such a changing day in my life?

As for the weekend, it was quite busy...

  • On Friday, I spent the day with Bezoukhoff and the evening with Bezoukhoff, NDN and Brick.
  • On Saturday, I spent the afternoon with Brick and the evening at BigSis' birthday/halloween party, accompanied by Brick and NDN. (The evening ended with a trip to a tranny bar and a sighting of SingMan! No... he wasn't at that bar.)
  • On Sunday I spent the morning with Brick and the afternoon and evening with Hammer.

And here I am on Monday, having just been observed for a teaching evaluation. I think it went well...

In other news, Narc and I have been in text communication, but I haven't seen him. TT texted me yesterday... (not that it matters all that much).

Anyway, this morning LilSis sent me a dozen bridesmaid dresses to look at online. Her wedding (to JBC) is set for August, 2007. Let the insanity of the wedding planning begin! I think I want a dress with a bustle.

That's it for now...I'll write more later with a full update on the weekend's crazy events...



Minx said...

It's good you're keeping busy, you seem a bit more upbeat lately. There's so much I wish to say, but my thoughts are all jumbled, so I guess I'll stick with "Glad you're starting to feel better." :)

feitclub said...

Sounds like you weekend was more fun than mine. Enjoy it!

Aravis said...

It all sounds great! But what about those dresses? Does LilSis have good taste in bridesmaid's dresses or are there some really hideous ones in there? *G*