Thursday, April 06, 2006


There's some big news among my friends:

VJ is getting married a week from Sunday! CONGRATULATIONS, VJ!!! While the ceremony is coming up shortly (in Florida), the celebration will be in July in Iowa. I will definitely be there!


NDN will soon no longer be my next-door neighbor! He is going to be a homeowner, purchasing an apartment in our building on the 15th floor. Thank God he's not going far! CONGRATULATIONS, NDN!!!

Other than that, I'm not sure what to say... I wrote a long post earlier today, but it got eaten up by blogger and I don't think I'm going to attempt it again.

It snowed yesterday. It was very strange.

I have to throw out a broken lampshade. I'm loathe to do it. It's all I have left from B's apartment in Harlem-- the apartment he lived in my senior year, and that I decorated with one massive trip to IKEA. The lampshade makes an orange light that warms me and makes me remember that I used to be hopeful and so much more infinitely trusting than I am now. I don't think I'm cynical. I just think I'm older. I'll never open myself to anyone ever again the way I did with B. I think it's why he's still in my life. But that girl is lost. And now the last object I have from that lived space needs to be tossed away...

I'm trying not to think about it.

My brain feels too foggy to think of much of anything! How come even though I slept so much last night, I'm still tired beyond belief? I can't figure it out. Normally I can run on the smallest amounts!

I guess that's it for now. I'm supposed to be grading, but I can't help my procrastination-compulsion.

Tomorrow is going to be a really busy day-- teaching all day and then off to Long Island for my mom's Sweet Sixty party. I'm going to have to take my party clothes, etc. with me and catch a rush hour train out there. Then on Saturday night, I have NDN's dinner party to attend (with TT as my date!). In any case, I'm not quite sure when I'll have a chance to blog again.

As for Narc, he's performed a disappearing act since CouchSleeper decided to stay with him. How long will this last? Days? Weeks? Is it a blessing? A curse? I don't know. But it's hard for me that he comes and goes and nothing I can say or do will have the slightest impact.

Back to the grading pile...


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