Thursday, April 27, 2006

Can it be?

Can it be? It's 2:00 am, I'm just getting back from Cheers, and yet, I drank not a drop of alcohol!!! Oh-- and I also managed to have an amazing adventure! It included getting a shoulder massage and an attempted kiss from a NY state senator, meeting a senior editor of a very prominent NY newspaper and getting invited to a swanky fundraiser cocktail party tomorrow night at the Battery Park Ritz Carlton.

The story is forthcoming. You'll have to wait until tomorrow.

Time to pop a valium and hit the sack.



HistoryGeek said...

Can't wait for the story!

Flash said...

Nor me!
Bring it on...

Sarah said...

Damn that pesky time difference.....

(congrats on getting through the past couple of weeks, Hyde)