Sunday, April 02, 2006


I've been evaluated... again. This time it was short and sweet. Here's what the observer had to say:

Professor Hyde began her lecture with a posting on the blackboard of relevant vocabulary for the afternoon’s discussion. She then queried her students abut the elements of social and economic tensions that were an undercurrent of the political reconfiguration of fin de siecle Europe. The Professor explicated those elements of Darwinism - her leitmotif - that breathed life into nationalist politics, and which gave currency to the “new imperialism” that would lead late nineteenth-century Europe hurtling toward a World War in the next century.

Ms. Hyde used hand-outs in an effective manner to illustrate her main point: that “Manifest Destiny” and “The White Man’s Burden” were the imperative racial components which were to be interjected into the political discourse of the era, in order to give license to the nascent corporate capitalism that was gaining a strong foothold in both Western Europe and the United States. She drew an easily recognizable picture for her class of the connection between industrialism and neo-colonialism.

I find Professor Hyde to be both engaging and enlightening, and her students seemed to find her pedagogic methodology easily comprehensible. Hers was a sterling performance and she is certainly both a first-rate scholar and teacher.

Yay! So far so good, right?

I'm exhausted right now and off to sing a concert. Didn't get home until 7:00 am this morning. Somehow found myself at a diner holding court to a group of unfamiliar boys. Then I had to make centerpieces all day. Thank God this project is finally fucking over! Narc said he may surprise me and come to my concert. I don't know how I feel about that, as my parents will be there.



PS: I cracked the mystery of what Narc wrote in my journal (as discussed in the previous post). Clearly, I blacked this out. He said we were talking about Haiku poetry and he claimed to be able to write a Haiku on the spot. "Prove it!" I said, handing him my journal. And so, he did...


Anonymous said...

I am glad you are enjoying your review.....but what a load of cycle babble, just to say you're doing a good job....phew! I had forgotten how pompous pseudo intellectuals can be.

Jessica said...

You are very smmart. Very very smart. Now don't black out so much so you can rememmber things.

feitclub said...

Mystic, did you mean "psychobabble?"

Hyde, I'm very curious about this haiku matter. Do you think he really wrote that "on the spot" or he simply has that one memorized? Can he write a succession of haiku?

Hyde said...

I was curious about it too. When he explained to me that it was a Haiku, we were sitting in Cheers. I asked him to write me another on the spot-- to see if it were a real skill of his. He did it right then and there, so apparently it's a true talent. I asked him where he got this talent from. He jokingly said it's from "being Japanese in a former life." Like you, he's into Japanese culture. He lived there for a year in his late teens...


Hyde said...

Hmmm... wait a minute, though... In terms of the Haiku-- I just remembered-- isn't a Haiku supposed to be 5-7-5? I think Narc's is 5-2-5...

feitclub said...

Yes, but the syllable count can vary according to Wikipedia. I think symmetry goes a long way, so 5-2-5 should be "kosher."

swisslet said...

that's a cracking evaluation. I knew that you could write, but sounds like you are a pretty decent teacher too. I do agree that it's a bit wilfully pompous though, isn't it?

Nice one!