Thursday, April 27, 2006

In a Stupor

Well... guess what? I never made it to the party at the Ritz Carlton. And why not? Because I'm in a valium-induced stupor and I fucking hate it. I don't heart valium anymore. Bezoukhoff was here this afternoon and I fell asleep while he was sitting in my living room talking to me. Then I got into bed for a "quick nap" and didn't wake up until 8:00 pm! Fuck that. I'm going back to vivarin and red bull tomorrow. Doctor's orders or not... I'll take the valium at night to deal with my insomnia, but that's it.

As such, I'm really feeling too tired to tell you my story from last night. Maybe I'll have some more energy in another hour or two, maybe I won't. This sucks though. I don't like feeling tranquilized. I like feeling hyper. My drugs of choice? Cocaine, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol. I don't like this sedated feeling. I feel groggy, lethargic and out of control. This is one "firecracker" who has stopped cracking.

Grrr.... (Or should I say Zzzzzz....)

Still thinking of Narc, but it hurts a little less today and yesterday. What the fuck, though? Everything hurts a little less. I'm on a fucking tranquilizer!

My eyes are itching from allergies.

I gotta go now... find a couch to lay on or something like that.


1 comment:

shorty said...

When you find a couch...let me know. I need a new one of those thing a ma gigs.

Honestly. If you feel like crap on them, just take them at night. Don't drink and then take one.

Flash needs you next weekend. So do the rest of us too.

Take care of you first.