Friday, April 07, 2006



I'm drunk, drunk, drunk and on no sleep again for the first time since Saturday. Last night was pretty much a bust (aside from the fact that I had a great time hanging out with CouchSleeper!). What is WRONG with me? Why can't I make better choices for myself?

And like I said-- it kind of ended badly between me and Narc. No major fights, but he did walk out on me in the bar. I nearly cried and begged him not to leave me there.

"I'm going out to smoke a cigarette," he said. "And if you're not outside this bar by the time I finish my cigarette, I'm leaving you."

I gulped down what was left of my drink and ran out.

I didn't sleep there last night. I slept at my place. It barely matters, as I only got 2 1/2 hours of sleep anyway...

Today is my killer day.

I wish I hadn't said anything to Narc. I KNEW he would give me a hard time about the AA thing. WHY did I do that? WHY did I get drunk again last night?

Like I said-- Grrrrr......


feitclub said...

Once again he's unreasonable towards you but you apologize for your behavior. We all make bad choices but why blame yourself for his problems?

shorty said...

Why shouldn't you be able to say what's on your mind? Why should you have to walk on eggshells around him?

What advise would you give one of your best friends if they were in your same situation.

Try to enjoy your weekend, I think you need to detox from Narc.