Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Bender

Last night was a real bender. A 24-night gone astray! A lot of drink and a lot of laughs were had. It was my last night to party with Mr. Flashy. I'm sad! Hammer and Flash and I lived it up at Cheers and then back at my place. Only, there was too much drink on my part. Way, WAY too much. And then a joint. And then some Narc. Narc was in intense-mode.

...more on all of that later...

I've got to say goodbye to Flash today. :(
But then I've got my cabaret! :)

Life's just like that, I guess...


shorty said...

I hope you hugged him extra tight!

HistoryGeek said...

Safe travels to Flash! And have a great time at your cabaret!