Monday, May 08, 2006


Sorry that I haven't posted that much this weekend! Time normally spent writing in front of the computer has instead been spent chatting with the fabulous Flash! I do have a pretty long post half-written, but I'm off to meet Flash (in front of David Blaine) before heading to the planetarium.

This afternoon while Flash is watching more Leeds football, I promise to get the rest of that post done.

Hope you all had a great weekend!




feitclub said...

You sound happy. That puts a smile on my face. Keep enjoying yourself!

HistoryGeek said...

No apologies needed! Enjoy the planetarium.

Anonymous said...

Hurry up with that post; I need to be distracted so that I don't concentrate on how much life sucks. This weekend I got a glimpse into the tragic lives and selves of VJ and Hyde in 60 years. We moved Geoff's grandmother into an assisted living facility and sat with her through her first dinner there. She sits with 3 unbelievably disgruntled and pissed (literally and otherwise-- just check out the telltale stains and odor...) women who hate everything and everyone. They say everything is shit. We will fit right in when our time comes. Maybe we should move in now and get a head start? It doesn't seem so bad. They play several movies a day on a huge screen and they have ice cream socials and-- get this-- next weekend they are having a fashion show and anyone (residents, guests, friends, family, community members, nudists, exhibitionists with nothing better to do, homeless people or compulsive overeaters who want free food, etc... really anyone) can be in it as long as they are ready to strut their bad stuff all over the catwalk. And on Fridays they have matzoh ball soup. Doesn't it sound perfect for us? Maybe we can be roomates again. Sigh. I am rambling away on your blog comments page while my students paint the roller coasters they built out of toilet and paper towel rolls and tape. They learned nothing about force and motion but at least I had several days of absolute peace while they entertained themselves. Sigh. Life sucks. Children are assholes. Many of my students love NASCAR because they are budding white trashites. One of the groups even built a NASCAR roller coaster. Where is your post?
Love, VJ

swisslet said...

go Leeds! Great result. Flash will be pleased.