Saturday, December 02, 2006

The Good, the Bad and the...

The Good News:
Narc got out of the hospital today. I picked him up there at around noon and took him home. He's going to have to be monitored very closely, but he has pulled through this ordeal. Hooray! And thank God!

The Bad News:
I gave him a blow job. (Is that really bad news? I can't decide. I didn't think so at the time. But now I sort of do... sort of. Well, I really don't. But, it SHOULD be bad news, right? If I'm supposed to be "teaching him how to treat me" and all that... Right?)

Ugh... I don't know anymore. I just don't know.

More to come...



Aravis said...

You do know, or you wouldn't have listed it. It just isn't the answer you wanted.


feitclub said...

As "bad" news goes, that's pretty tame, especially in contrast to the goodness of the good news.

More like "Totally awesome news! Oh, but I made a mistake in celebrating said news."