Saturday, December 16, 2006

The Echo Carol

I am persistently getting up to no good... I just can't leave well enough alone, can I?

What am I talking about this time? Well, I finally heard back from OldChoirMan. (If you recall, I wrote to him back in October.) Here's what he said:

Dear Hyde--

Thanks for your recent message. Unfortunately, we've had horrendous problems with our home system, and my reply was still in the damned thing, dated 1970. I was alerted to it by ---- who hadn't been getting my replies for the same reason, but anyway, here I am. Let's stick to this address for now.

Needless to say, I would love to talk to you, especially about your voice. Thanks for bringing me up to date on your life - sounds as if all is going really well. It's hard to believe that it's already ten years since your advent at CU. Actually, we're singing several things in concert this weekend that I think you know - Mozart, "Regina Coeli," some movements from the Bach "Magnificat," one "Elijah" chorus, and so on. I'm bringing a small group of 50 from --- over to the ----- church to sing with my men and some orchestra players. It was nice to have the ---- at one of these not too long ago. ----- still sings with me, and we did a recital recently.

Please give me a call and give me a phone number or two. I'm sure that this weekend is impossible for you, but let's figure out a time to get together. If you do want to sing, we're rehearsing on Saturday, 1-3pm.

Again, great to hear from you, sorry about the delay in getting back, and looking forward to being in touch.


(Phone numbers left here) hitting # will get you past my lengthy message.

P.S. Mozart died 215 years ago Tuesday - we're doing the Requiem in April.

I didn't write back for over a week because I have some really confused feelings about all of this (even if I DID initiate the contact...). I never told this story here in full, and I still don't think I can. Suffice it to say, I was really emotionally fucked up by all of this from age 18 to 21. Anyway, I finally wrote back this morning. Here's what I said--

Hi OldChoirMan,

I'm glad to hear back from you! I'd love to come out and sing sometime... (Especially if you're doing the Requiem in April! You'll have to let me know the dates...)

I'm sorry that I couldn't make it last weekend. Obviously, December is a crazy month and I have my hands full between holiday parties, grading final exams, writing papers and attending concerts, but things quiet down considerably in January. Perhaps we can figure something out for then...

I will give you a call. Or, if you want to get in touch with me, here are my numbers:

Home: xxx-xxx-xxxx
Cell: xxx-xxx-xxxx

In any event, enjoy the holidays with your family. I'll think of you (as always) while caroling this year... (StriKKKE the harp!)

Best wishes,

I'm feeling delerious. Maybe it's all the chlorox I inhaled while cleaning the bathroom this morning. Anyway... I better get back to putting my house in order before tonight...


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