Monday, December 04, 2006


Narc isn't supposed to drink more than one drink from now on. He is on blood thinners and alcohol only makes his blood more thin. Plus, the medication overworks his liver. On top of that, he has to be really careful not to injure himself by falling and getting bruised or cut. The doctor explained all that to him.

He called me last night at 3:30 am. He was very drunk.

Alcoholism is scary.



Aravis said...

Yes, it is. One of my sisters-in-law had a bad head injury which left her in a coma for almost a year. She's not supposed to drink because of brain damage sustained.

She drinks like a fish and turns ugly quickly when anyone brings it up.

Good luck to Narc, and even more so to you as you struggle with him!

Charby said...
