Monday, February 20, 2006

Out of Body, Out of Mind

I am so much more messed up than I thought.

It's funny what gets revealed when you remove alcohol from the equation. Well, actually... it's not very funny at all.

My date tonight was surreal. I have shooting pains in my stomach right now that have me doubled over. I have to go lay down. I think they're psychosomatic. Oh... and tonight's the night Narc chose to contact me again. During my date I got one call and three texts from him. And I came home to another message on my home phone. Nice.

I don't know how to deal with this TT thing. I'll have to explain tomorrow when I'm not in such excrutiating pain. Part of me wants to just make it all go away. I feel like the entire evening tonight was an out of body experience.

And I feel like I'm out of my mind.

Maybe I'm not ready for this...



shorty said...

Change can be a good thing.

Hope you are feeling better today.

HistoryGeek said...

I'm so sorry to hear that this is so painful. You absolutely need some sort of support. Talk to friends, talk to your therapist, talk to us. Start sifting through what you've been running from.

You are in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Do not ignore stomach pains. My mother died bleeding internally. I am not saying this will happen to you. But there can be a million other health reasons for stomach pains. If it continues go see a Doctor.

feitclub said...

Maybe it was the lasanga? Or did the pains start before that?