Friday, January 06, 2006

One of Those Nights

Last night was my first night back and I had to go and make it one of "those" nights.


I woke up this morning with a busted bag of coke spilling into my bra. There were a dozen strange messages clogging up my cell phone, including one from MG, some from the Stallion and a bunch from some guy I met at the Patriot a few weeks back.

Shit, shit and more shit.

Of course, I remember very little to nothing.

I can't help but admit that I've been depressed and it's only getting worse. I found out what N's "birthday surprise" is for PopStarChick--he's taking her to see one of my FAVORITE operas at $150 a person. As luck would have it, I'm going to be there as well tonight (albeit in the cheap seats) with B. While N is pretty much maintaining constant contact, I don't think he realizes how he is driving me away with this. I can take a lot, but I'm starting to crack. (Keep in mind, he has never been to the opera in NY and I've always begged him to go; he knows it's a sore point that he stood me up for Boheme last February. Second of all, he knows I love Wozzeck as we've discussed it many times before. Third of all, he never got me a birthday gift--not even a card or a flower or a drink. Oh! And I TOLD him a few weeks ago I was going to Wozzeck...).

How do I know that he's going to be there tonight? Why, he told me himself!

N: Friends E and A both in from out of town tonight. Birthday outing tomorrow (Wozzeck at Met opera, first balcony! Yay!), but possibly hang this weekend?

H: I'll be at Wozzeck too! Hope she likes her bday gift from you. Maybe I'll see you there... Give me a call Sat then. We'll see how the weekend shapes up.

N: Ah nice! Going with the fam or friends? Where are you sitting?

H: Last Woz of season. I've written 2 papers on the opera. Couldn't miss it! W/a friend. He has tix so not sure of seats. Probably cheap--life of poor grad students!

(Obviously that's a lie. I'm going with B and I have the tickets and I know I'm in the highest ring, but I wanted to say that anyway.)

N: Awww! Well I'm sure we'll all love it regardless of seating. Can't wait!

H: Nothing like degenerate Weimar madness and Lustmord. Good for the nerves. Have fun tonight. I'm going to have my Cheers reunion!

N: Don't get too hammered--can't be hungover for the opera!

H: True. I'll have to see who's out tonight. But Woz might well suit a hangover-- esp. the hallucinatory tavern scene!

And so, I went out last night. I went out last night in misery and felt completely alone. I tried to blow my brains out (metaphorically, of course). Now I feel sick. I feel sick in every way imaginable. I hate myself and I don't want this year to be like this. Not at all. I'm going to flush the remainder of the coke and crawl back into bed. No more drugs in the New Year. No more of this shit.

"I'm sick and tired of feeling sick and tired."

But he's a talented boy. A talented boy and dangerous. I mean, with how many ways can one boy come up to break my heart?

I'm nearing the edge.



sunshine said...

New Year is right.

Dump the coke, dump the Narc and focus on YOU.

LavaLady said...

Get sober, Hyde. You are in more danger than you realize. I've seen some bad things happen to people, I don't want you to be one of them.

Jessica said...

i worry about you.

HistoryGeek said...

Mystic - I think I asked that question on my blog a long way back...but I'm not going digging it up right now.

And, Hyde, what LavaLady said...

Anonymous said...

Here's the deal on what I think with all due honesty: Hyde is one of the nicest, most generous, most talented, most thoughtful, and seriously one of the most intelligent (in certain areas) people i have ever met. However, she is also, unfortunately, without a doubt, by far and away, the most self-destructive person i have ever met. Hyde knows she has an alcohol problem. She's not in denial about it. We could sit on this blog for a million years and tell her to get sober, to get help, to drop the coke, to drop the narc, etc etc. However, that's not going to happen until she really really WANTS to quit the drinking. If she doesn't really really want to quit the drinking then we should all just save our breath and be supportive of her for when she is ready. Which I hope to God will be sooner rather than later.
Atleast that's my opinion,

LavaLady said...

NDN- Let's have a flame war! Just kidding. But your comments inspired a reply. If I didn't say anything to Hyde, I wouldn't be able to read her blog, and I like reading her blog, so I make my choices accordingly... For me,silence doesn't help much of anything. I've known and lost plenty of self-distructive people, and I used to keep quiet so as not to rock the boat. You save your breath, I'll waste mine. :)