Monday, January 09, 2006

My First Appearance

Okay-- two posts in one day. I hope that doesn't mean you won't all go back and read my weekend drama about the Stallion. But in any event, I just had to throw this post up. Some of you may laugh at this, but do you know that I have never once been mentioned on Narc's blog? That is, until now... I have officially made my first appearance.

Narc put up an entire post about his night at the opera with PopStarChick, including an analysis of the opera and a discussion of their date. As he puts it, she was "rather ravishing-looking, in her low-cut black dress." Am I jealous? Well, yes. Do I have a right to be? Well, I think so... right?

What I found interesting-- Narc's interpretation of the title character:

"A small, slight, hunched over, meek, rather subdued, rather beaten down sort of man. One with an overbearing wife (hence his need to support her, lest he deal with her berating), a sneering captain, and a mad doctor. (And no friends.)"

See, and I thought the murdered wife was more of a victim than that...

He goes on to say:

And, honestly (I'm going to get shot for this, but what the hell...), though this production has received some simply rave reviews, I just wasn't convinced, wasn't moved--and in the end, though the conductor was amazing (my friend Opera Chick--who also, coincidently, attended the same performance I was at--rightfully pointed out the microsecond-perfect timing on this one particular crescendo which even I, with my untrained ear, caught), and the man who played Wozzeck himself had an incredible voice, it just. Was. NOT. Wozzeck.

So, there you have it. I guess I'm "Opera Chick." Huh.

He continues:

Afterwards, we hit a seafood restaurant across the street. More champagne, a dozen oysters, and a few other tasty tidbits as well. Topics of conversation: "What did we think of the opera?" (from both of us); "You really should wear more suits like that, they look great on you... Very 'country gentleman'..." (from her, in reference to my tweed Ralph Lauren three-piece); "Hmm...! Perhaps I should indeed then, leave Manhattan one day soon and, somewhere upstate, assume the look and mannerisms inherent in that of a country gentleman's lifestyle, a la the classic Ralph Lauren ad...!" (from me, in response to the suit observation); "Man, we really need to make a lot of money. Soon..." (from both of us); and, finally (again, from both of us), "Chocolate mousse and Marble cake? Hmm...!!" (We went with the mousse.)

We made our way back downtown after that (though not before stopping at Sortie for a brief bit to see a friend of mine, A, who'd just come in from LA the night before), and I must say, when I finally got home (after dropping her in the West Village), I think I was asleep before I hit the bed. Perhaps this "Wozzeck" had taken more out of me than I'd realized...? Then again, perhaps it was just the oysters, chocolate, and champagne. And mousse.

(Hmm... Then what was up with the two 2:00 am phone calls to me?)

He writes:

One thing is certain: the next time we hit the opera (soon!! She and I shall make a point of it), we're talkin' sweeping staircases and lavish chandeliers my friends... Perhaps a bit of Mozart? Something simple. Something nice. Tonality debates aside, If I'm not humming it throughout the rest of the night, God knows something just isn't right...

He concludes his post with a few photos of her modeling in the coat-check room.

I've been begging him to go back to the opera with me (after having been stood up) for a year now. The two of them just want to get rich. I have to remember my New Year's resolution about values.

Damn it.

I need to hit Cheers in an hour or two. It's been a long day.


1 comment:

HistoryGeek said...

You deserve better.