Monday, February 14, 2005

Three's a Company

I've already been to teach and back this morning and Narc is still sound asleep in my bed. Yesterday was really a very strange day. Narc and I woke up late and hung around the house until it was almost 3:00. I told him that he had to go by 3:00 because Anxious was supposed to come by then. I walked him out of the building because I wanted to run accross the street to the deli. He asked if I wanted to go for a pint, primarily because he wanted to see "my place" (meaning Cheers.) I agreed and texted Anxious to meet us there. When we got there, Cheers was closed. They're installing a new juke box. PumpedUp's dad let me in anyway, but Narc waited on the street. I told PumpedUp that I finally brought Narc to the bar and it was sad they were closed, but PumpedUp told me that Narc "isn't welcome there" and that I should leave him out on the street. I suggested we walk to Manchester because it's what I'm in the habit of doing when Cheers is closed. I left Anxious a message with the revised plan.

We got to Manchester and had a few beers and some snacks. We were just talking about a lot of different things and I felt really happy. Narc ordered a jack and coke and I was tempted. Okay, it didn't take me long before I ordered a jack straight up. I know I'm supposed to have quit drinking, but I fucked up. I just have to start again. I can't really remember the details of last night. Narc told me that he loves me though. He also said that we can't be together because we're "bad for each other." He kept telling me that over and over. He said that he loves me but he doesn't know how to reconcile this in his head. I don't know why he's so hung up on the idea that we're so bad for each other. It's only because he makes it that way. I asked him if I quit drinking if I would ever see him again (being that we only see each other when we drink).
"I don't know..." he said.
"Well, then, Cheers!" I said, raising my glass.
I don't really mean that though.

Anyway, Anxious was two and a half hours late, which I was happy about because it gave me so much more alone time with Narc. When she finally arrived, she was in tears. Apparently, she went to pick up her things from the guy who recently dumped her and they had an emotional talk. She felt freshly rejected. She came right up to me and I hugged her and she cried into my shoulder. Narc was really sweet to her and gave her a really big hug too.
"You're nicer than I expected," she said.
"Why? What did Hyde tell you about me?" he asked.
I smiled, but it was a weird moment.

Narc was supposed to go to a dinner party, but he blew it off because he "wanted to be with me," or so he said. It was really strange to hang out with Anxious and Narc. As we kept drinking he started hitting on her really openly. It was making me crazy. Also, we were talking about relationships and he told Anxious flat out
"There's never any reason for a guy not to call you. Nobody is that busy. Everyone has two seconds to make a call. If he's not calling you, he's making a point."
Well, gee Narc, could you make a more pointed comment? It made me feel really bad. I was getting drunk and hyper emotional. I told him that I hate him. He had his arm around Anxious. I told him that I was going home and that I didn't ever want to see him again.

He pulled me aside and again told me that he loves me.
"Doesn't that get through to you?" he asked.
I was so fucking confused.

The rest of the night was more of the same. The three of us got pretty sloshed. I'm suprised we all made it home in one piece. We got home at almost 2:00 am--that's almost 12 hours of drinking for me and Narc. I smoked up a little and we played piano and got a thumping on the wall from the neighbors. At one point earlier I had called B. He hates when I call him drunk, so I decided to call to apologize, but didn't realize how late it was. I woke him up and felt bad about it. Narc is pretty jealous of my relationship with B. He hates when I bring him up.

Anyway, at one point, I was pretty much passing out. Narc and Anxious broke a glass. It wasn't a good scene. We all fell asleep around 3:00 and I set my alarm for 7:00. It was pretty torturous getting up this morning. I was majorly hung-over. I feel much better now, though. My class went pretty well--I had to teach the French Revolution. Now I'm back (only for a few hours before my voice lesson) and Narc is sound asleep. Anxious apparently took off (to run errands) but her stuff is still here.

I left Narc his Valentine's day present near his keys. I told him yesterday that I got him a present and he laughed. That just about sums it up right there, wouldn't you say?

1 comment:

Flash said...

Hyde, I get confused just reading about it so heaven knows how you manage to make sense of it all.