Thursday, February 10, 2005


Goodbye "medicine" days... Goodbye "youthful indiscretions."

This morning I deleted all contact information to prevent future purchase and flushed what I had left.
It hurt.
It was at least $120 worth.
I saw billowing clouds in the toilet water.
I feel sick.


Anonymous said...

GOod job, Hyde! I love you and am here to help you. Remember you're not alone in this!

Flash said...

How much???
I feel sick too now!

feitclub said...

Well, what's done is done, but you could have sold it/given it way rather than destroy it. Bottom line is, it's gone and you're better off.

Anonymous said...

Congradualtions on your action!
However I must chastise the last poster, Dan, for encouraging resale - its for professionals, others just get caught...Hence a no-no!

Hyde said...

Actually, I would have liked to give it away, but none of my friends around here use. The only person I could think of was Narc. He uses only ocasionally, but has a friend who really likes it. I called and left him a message saying he could call me and claim it or I would flush it the next day. Typical of the ever-evasive Narc, he didn't call...

feitclub said...

I'm not suggesting she should go out to the corner and solicit strangers. You pass it off to friends or friends/siblings of friends. Not that I'm proud of it, but I've been there.