Wednesday, August 30, 2006

My Neighbor Dreams...

On Saturday night NDN had a dream that he was the King of Portugal, but that it was not all it was cracked up to be. It involved a lot of complicated planning for a catered banquet. He also wanted me to report that he felt up Matt, the doorman, last night and that he made a cab driver feel awkward.

As for me, I'm one class down and one to go on this, my first day. I was running late this morning and forgot to take my medications. It's aggravating me, but oh well...

Last night I tried a new Ben & Jerry's flavor-- New York Super Fudge Chunk. It was great. I'm becoming a junkie.

And as for all things Narc, I'm ready to bid them adieu. As Michael Jackson once sang, "[He's] out of my life..."




shorty said...

I'm personally hooked on B & J Chubby Hubby.

Try that one when you need a change again!

HistoryGeek said...

I love the NY Super Fudge Chunk.

I just got a chance to read the previous post. How crappy of Narc! But how very like him.

I'm glad that your meditation meeting helped...and I'm glad you are back to your school routine a bit.

Charby said...

we dont have chubby hubby over here anymore.

I like the sound of the new one though!

My Ben and Jerrys store has given me a loyalty card! Whoo yeah!