Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Maybe I'll go for a walk...

It looks like a beautiful day outside today. I wouldn't really know, though, as I haven't left my house. Yesterday I had two therapy sessions (I'm two-timing my therapists!) and then I went to a meeting. I wanted to go out (o-o-out!) last night, but I managed to put it off. I did cross the street to get some ice cream, and I bumped into PumpedUp and BarMan.

Yesterday morning, Brick woke me up bright and early to go shopping. He needed an outfit for an important interview. We went to Bloomingdales and Barney's, but he didn't end up finding what he needed until much later in the day. He is off to the tailor this afternoon to have his pants fitted. I think he ended up with the Marc Jacobs jacket he originally wanted.

Hmm... I spoke to B for a while on the phone last night. He's still in the Philippines. And I also spoke to Liu. She and the Cowboy are coming to visit the first week in September. (Yay!) This weekend I'm heading out to the Hamptons with NDN...

I'm feeling strange today. I originally wanted to sit down and blog about some of my recent adventures and about Brick's suitor-drama, but I just don't have it in me. There is so much to do, and yet, I don't want to do anything. Maybe I'm a little depressed. I just miss feeling like myself. I am wondering when this is all going to feel any better. I wish I could swallow a handful of caffeine pills, but apparently, that's not healthy.

Maybe I need to go for a walk...


shorty said...


HistoryGeek said...

Eeek! 2 therapy appointments and a meeting. No wonder you don't really want to leave the house today.

Flash said...

Yeah, go for a walk honey.

Anonymous said...

One of the things that Alcohol does very well is numb pain....

but if you hit your toe with a hammer then shoot it up with morphine, the damage is still done.

The good news is that when people stop taking drugs and alcohol they have a tendency to stop banging their toes.

Relationships are another matter...

We can deal with relationships sober or we can deal with them drunk... but when we're sober we're dealing with truth.