Wednesday, December 07, 2005

South Park Narc

South Park Narc.

I was trying to make one of myself, but none of the hair styles match mine. See how it's possible to waste time when there are dishes to be done? This made me laugh so much, though, because it really does look like him. Now you all know what Narc looks like. Him and his red beard. Okay. I'm getting up from the computer now. I'm such a loser. At least I know that NDN and Hammer will get a good laugh from this...


Jessica said...


sunshine said...

Wait! Shouldn't he be naked? And shouldn't that be a bottle of wine in his hand?

Flash said...

Ah I love those South Park things, remember when I was one?

swisslet said...

hold on, he has a red beard? Oh man, now I have to change my whole mental picture of him **and** I can't get the image of Mick Hucknall out of my head....



Hyde said...

Uh oh! Did I ruin your literary image of Narc? Just keep on picturing him however you did before... It's easier that way, n'est pas?