Saturday, December 17, 2005

My Party!

My party went off without a hitch last night!

I promise a longer post is coming, but my living room is trashed and I'd like to deal with it sooner rather than later. Also, Narc is snoring in my bed (and hogging up all the space), and I'd eventually like to rejoin him. It's nearly 10:30 am now and we didn't get to bed until after 5:00 am last night. (We were up til 6:00 am the night before!) But I just wanted to write a quick note to tell you all that I had a great time!

Narc slept in until dinner time yesterday and then came to the supermarket and the liquor store with me. It was weird to push around a shopping cart with him and be all domestic. As for the party itself, a lot of people showed up and the party went on until about 3:00 am when I asked the last stragglers to get going. ("Give them the boot!" Narc said. "I want to fuck you NOW!") My bar boys never came, which I'm grateful for. It would have been a bad scene, as Narc got pretty wasted by the end of the night and required my complete attention. (Let's just put it this way-- he turned into "wanker-Narc," his very drunk alter-ego. I know that of all of you, only NDN has seen him in FULL "wanker" mode, but I guess Bezoukhoff has now witnessed it as well.)

One more thing-- Hammer, if you're reading this, you left your phone at my place. I called the Wiz to tell him so, but I'm not sure if you're with him. So call me and figure out when you can come and get it...

Bottom line--there were a few difficult moments I've yet to detail, but overall--fun.

My party...Yay.



HistoryGeek said...

I'm glad it all turned out well.

sunshine said...

Me too!

I love details, can't wait. Enjoy your weekend.

Charby said...

Sounds mostly good to me!
Glad you had a great time!

Anonymous said...

Narc has a way with words.

Jessica said...

was fun!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you had a party and didn't invite me?!! WHAT?!?!