Sunday, December 11, 2005

Last Post at 26!

What a weekend! And it's not over yet. But I had to write, as this may very well be the last post I write at age 26. Weird...

I was depressed all day on Friday and almost all day on Saturday. My choir concert knocked me out of that mode, though. So many people came to see me! My mom and stepdad, BigSis, my aunt and uncle, NDN, Hammer, the Wizard, Bezoukhoff, EF (a friend from school), and Contessa and her boyfriend. Afterwards, my mom gave me my birthday present-- a digital camera! (So expect a lot more photos to appear on this blog. ) Then NDN, Bezoukhoff, Hammer and the Wizard and I pitstopped at my apartment before heading to a random party on the Upper West Side. The Wizard is convinced I should drop out of school to sing opera. The details are forthcoming.

I went down to see Narc last night at around 1:00 am. We ended up going out drinking until 5:00 am, but it was good between us. I didn't get black-out drunk either.

(He told me he wants to name his kids Tristan and Melisande.

"But Narc! I thought you hate Wagner! And I thought you weren't destined to have kids!"

"It's just a theoretical exercise," he said.)

Back at his place, I was falling asleep on the couch, and he was watching the comedian, Lewis Black, on TV. I stretched out my hand, and he took it and held my hand for hours. I loved it so much.

Today, I had to leave there by 1:30 to get to my afternoon concert in time.

"Why don't you come back after the concert?" he suggested.

"Maybe... But, Narc, tomorrow's my birthday, you know!"

"Yeah, I know... We can bring it in together!"

B came to see my concert this afternoon and he loved it. We ate Korean food afterwards. Now I'm home, in my delicious smelling apartment. I'm going to change out of my concert dress, feed Mr. Rochester, water the tree and go back to see Narc.

All in all, things are looking up.

And tomorrow is my birthday!!! I fucking love birthdays!

More later...



feitclub said...

Hey, it looks like Nice Narc has resurfaced just in time for your birthday! Congratulations on the concert, wish I could have been there too.

What kind of camera did you get? And please, take more pictures. I am always missing NYC so much I want to see more of it. I was watching Last Action Hero on cable recently and the Times Square scenes made me feel very nostalgic...and that was back when Times Square was still nasty!

sunshine said...


I hope tomorrow brings you all kinds of happiness and joy. It is THE one day out of the year that deserves to be recognized as your day. Take advantage of it.

I hope you have fun, lots and lots of fun.

Please post more pictures!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to you;
Happy birthday to you.
happy birthhhhday dear hyyyyde happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuu.

Have a great bithday Hyde.

Jessica said...


HistoryGeek said...

Happy, happy birthday!

I'm glad the concerts and the rest of your weekend went well.