Thursday, February 01, 2007

The Year in Review! The Annals at Two!

Remember that "Year in Review" post I started back in December? Well, I figured that unless I put it up in installments, I'll NEVER get it finished. So, if you care for a walk down memory lane, here are the first three months of 2006.

(Oh-- and I wrote the intro to this post in December.)

Well, here we go... My yearly round up!

Last year at this time I was freaking out because Narc had discovered my blog address and I had to relocate. We had a few drunken fights about it. I ran out of the Patriot and called Hammer and said that I wanted to kill myself. Back in the bar, Narc grabbed me and kissed me and said he still loved me. He was mad that he was called "Narc" and that there was someone else called "the Stallion."

Was that really my life?

A few days later, NDN and I set off for Buenos Aires where we brought in the New Year. And thus, I present: the Year in Review!


I spent most of the first week in Argentina (having some very strange dreams, might I add!). Hammer and I were in a fight, but made up shortly.

Things were fine between me and Narc until I heard that he was taking PopStarChick to see my favorite opera for her birthday (which he later blogged about, prompting tears from me). Later in the month, he told me that he would have rather gone to the opera with me, but that he's "just not boyfriend material." Then he puked in Bar and Books.

I had a date with the Stallion, who told me (again!) that he "loves me." In the meantime, I was still doing a shitload of coke and listening to the SNL Narnia rap. Narc discovered his six month old chocolate ice cream still in my freezer. I rehearsed for Beethoven's Ninth at Carnegie and thought about "surrender." NDN and I went to see a boxing match in a church basement. I met TT (at least I remembered meeting him this time!) and B and I had a major falling out over whether or not to watch Season 5 of "24" together.

Double-T and I went out on our first date. Hammer and I brunched at Daddy-O's and watched 24 with the Wizard. (Hammer burned a bag of popcorn.)

Towards the end of the month, Narc got drunk and violent with me at Cheers in front of everyone. In the meanwhile, he couldn't stop talking about PopStar singing "Amarantine" with Enya on Regis & Kelly. I tried to quit drinking and made it four days. I tried to quit Narc as well, and finally tossed his age-old ice cream.

IrishBird sang "Broken Wing" and dedicated it to me. Hammer and I went to hear BHL speak at the 92nd Street Y. I tried to get rid of my black hair, rather unsucessfully. The Wizard told me that Narc is "like a Mack truck."

Narc ditched me after I took him to see Cosi fan tutte and Hammer and I smoked pot while watching SNL.

The month came to a close hearing BarMan play at Back Fence, partying with him, ThursdayGirl and Bulgi afterwards.


I drank champagne in the bath and had hallucinations of Narc. I read The Life of Pi and a memoir about Alcoholism. In the meanwhile, I started taking a cabaret class and continued to date Double-T.

Narc and I exchanged strange (and strangely frank) emails in which I thought we were "breaking up." My friend Singrl came to town and I met her fiancee. Then I went to see Brokeback with Masseuse and ThursdayGirl.

Narc and I had another drunken fight, after which he told me he blacked it out. When I told him that it hurt-- that he was "treating me poorly on purpose," he acknowledged my feelings with an "I can imagine."

It snowed. I got a pink eye and felt like a hermit. Narc invited me and Hammer to his "Oscar party" (but later took it back). I had a great afternoon watching La Traviata with my mom.

TT cooked me lasagna and I gave him a blow job, but it messed me up emotionall, as I was still head over heels for Narc. I started giving him "wake up" calls in the morning after my early morning classes.

I tried twice to quit drinking, but couldn't make it past a week. An evening at the opera with Anxious ended with another "who's more wild" competition.

I cooked Narc dinner and he told me that PopStar and Exhibitionist are both materialistic "gold-diggers." That same night, I told Narc that I couldn't sleep with TT because I was in love with him. He said to "get over him."


I had a creepy dream about St. Lucy. Narc avoided having sex with me (due to our February conversation) but soon changed his mind and we started up again. He told me that we act as "crutches" for each other.

Hammer and I went to "Salmon Night." I started leaving myself drunk voice-mails to cope with my massive blackouts. I kept dating TT and kept doing coke. I bought a matroyshka hammer. My drinking continued to get worse and I was depressed.

I helped Narc clean up from the Oscar party to which I was disinvited. Edgar died on "24." I took TT to a party a friend of mine had at the Bulgarian Club and Hammer and a few of her friends came along. That same night, we ended up at Marie's and Hammer met SingMan.

Narc started renovating his apartment. He and I had another "violent' night, but the next day we "scrapped it," ordering in Dominoes and watching Blade Runner and Alien. NDN and I went on an excursion to Brighton Beach in search of a banya hat. I got the flu.

Narc called me "dude" and asked to borrow $100. NDN "cuddled me into submission" and convinced me and Hammer to go to Pizzaria Uno's with him, but he and Hammer fought later in the night. The Stallion asked me out for lunch. ("No blackouts," as he put it.) It led to a crazy day with multiple dates-- sex with Narc in the morning, lunch with the Stallion in the afternoon, coffee with B, dinner with TT and then back to Narc at night.

Hammer and I got obessed with the word "minger." NDN and I went to see La Boheme with his alumni association. Afterwards, we went out for my friend NV's birthday. Narc met us at the bar, where we encountered a crazy guy named Merlin who gave me some coke.

Narc got a new phone and gave me a special ringtone. But he also told me that I owed him money and it pissed me off because he was mistaken. I went to Overlook with Hammer and EF. I lent Narc more money. We got wasted at Manchester Pub and he punched me in the chest.

I sang in a concert, NDN brought me fried chicken from Georgia and B and I had a "heart to heart." Narc and I watched a lot of American Idol. I drank more and more and got less and less sleep. I was feeling very "stuck."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Hyde, I am so glad that you have pulled yourself away from some of this.

Hurrah for you!