Sunday, August 28, 2005



I'm afraid that in my "drunk" post last night, I made the whole Narc thing seem worse than it is. Maybe by leaving out details and leaving it to your imagination, it seems more worrisome than it should be. It wasn't THAT bad. I'm totally fine, just a little stunned, that's all. I'm just blowing off steam here. I don't want you all to be picturing me black and blue and half hospitalized. It's not like that. Just a few little tiny bruises. It's not the physical stuff that was so bad--just the whole dynamic.

Anyway, so that's my disclaimer. No worrying about me on account of this. You all know I'm a dramatic girl! Sometimes I present things a little too dramatically...



Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you have been having such a rough time. I was wondering about your age. Drinking and druging can be due to youthful chaos but when the years catch up .....well thats another story.

Hyde said...

Thanks... 26 for those who are wondering.