Sunday, September 17, 2006

Drink Cocaine?

So, Hammer pointed out to me that there is a new energy drink that made an appearance in The New York Post today. The drink is called "Cocaine" and is attempting to become "the new Red Bull."

The makers of Cocaine have a website up in which they urge their customers to find "dealers," and they're running a model search for "the face of Cocaine." ("Tell us why you think you should represent Cocaine!")

Then, in their "charity" section they have links to anti-drug organizations.

I think I'm going to puke.

Anyone who runs around calling the local deli a "dealer" and refers to drinking an energy drink as "doing cocaine" as part of this fucked up marketing idea is pathetic.

I can't believe that this product has made it to the shelf.

I'm just stunned.

That's it...



Minx said...

First off, I have decided to start a blog, my nickname in high school is Minx, so I shall use that for my blog as well!

And that is a pretty silly gimick, I must say.

Hyde said...

Welcome to the world of blogging, minx!

Anonymous said...

Anything that makes money will always endure........

Anonymous said...

I am sorry for using your blog to pass a comment to MINX but she does not have all comments enabled.

TO MINX a response to your first post.

I know that being 18 may seem like a lifetime to you, but it is a mere whisper in time.....

Many things are yet to come. But if you choose the path of drugs you will see the end long before its due.

feitclub said...

I suspect this product is an extension of gag from Chappelle's Show where a crack addict is shown drinking a Red Bull-esque beverage and proclaiming it "cocaine in a can, baby!" Go ahead, check it out.

When it comes to marketing, there's no such thing as "tasteless."

Aravis said...

I'm with you, Hyde. That's just wrong.