Sunday, January 16, 2005

Narcissist in the New Year

I don't know if it's from coming off the flu or if it's some sort of divine justice, but I'm both drunk and hung-over simultaneously right now. Blood-shot eyes definitely don't work with my new blonde-eyebrow look, but I guess it doesn't really matter. Last night started out innocently enough. I texted IrishBird to ask her what time she got on work so I could stop by and see her nice and early, of course intending only to stay for a drink or two, as my immnune system is currently shot. It didn't work that way though. EF ended up coming by and I stayed for a drink or 8, finally taking myself home around 12:30 or 1:00. It's then that Narc called and I agreed to meet him anywhere--his choice. Of course, he chose his place. I was already wasted on my way down there...not memory-loss wasted yet though. He tried to take me to some "hip" place but it was really loud in there, so we went across the street to some pub. I remember trying to act sober so the bartender would serve me. I started ordering shots...I guess I was a little nervous. I kept putting my head on his shoulder. He was being sweet. I guess he really wasn't, but he was being akward and I wanted to melt him and hug him. He was talking to me about personal stuff--just throwing it out there, looking for my sympathy I think...wanting to be close, but at the same time, being cold about it. Anyway, I don't remember the end of the night or getting back to his place or anything else that transpired that night. I woke up with him a few hours ago and he was holding me so tightly. I just want to go back to that. My head is pounding like crazy right now. His friend James came by (James from the first night we met) and the two of them had to go out to get some sort of adapter for their video game..."boy things." So we akwardly parted. He called me "hon," which I generally hate, but didn't mind today. I still have a mixture of Jack and Stoly on my breath. I need to get something to eat to pad this all away...that and a shower. I'm so stupid...wanted another drink this morning, but the bar is closed. Have to check myself... can't turn all alcoholic now. It is a new year, after all. But I guess that my Narcissist is back for the new year. Maybe it's not that new at all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess it's not all that new, hon. Oh well. Aych.